TEAM 2 PROPOSED SOLUTION: work in progress


          General Goals:

          Technology Suggestions:

(Not all of the solutions are compatible but are simply suggestions as some ways in which the aformentioned goals can be met)    

Countries that sign the international treaty would agree to convert 50% in say 6 years and 80% in 10 years of their national fishing fleets to step 1 of sustainable fishing technology. Fishermen who choose to convert to sustainable fishing technology would receive subsidies from a percentage of a tax on all unsustainably caught fish sold with the goal of making step 1 sustainable technology comparable or cheaper than unsustainable fishing technology. The time frame must be large enough that fishermen would naturally need to replace equipment so that buying sustainable equipment is easy but small enough that it will leave very little time for inaction and wasted time. An extension can be added if it is needed on a case by case basis in order to meet the deadline. Step 2 technology subsidies would be implemented part way through step 1 subsidies so fisherman can choose to go straight to step 2 and skip step 1 but would continue past the end of subsidies provided for step 1 conversion. As sustainable fishing increases and unsustainable fishing decreases, tax revenue from unsustainable fish would decrease but at this point sustainable fishing technology would become well established and subsidies unnecessary. Small boats would get a larger subsidy than large companies who would recieve less money per net replaced on a sliding scale under the idea that large fishing companies would have an easier time converting to new technology than small fishermen groups.


 *Regulation should occur before fish are caught rather than after as the most effective way of preventing overfishing. For example, regulation should regulate net drag speed and net mesh size rather than throwing away fish that exceed the pound limit though that too should be in place in a modified form*

TEAM 2 PROPOSED SOLUTION: work in progress

(Please edit as you see fit. This list has already been sent to the regulations group as a preliminary sketch of what we would like to see regulated but by no means is it complete or entirely accurate and will need editing and additions as we learn more.)


          General Goals:


(Not all of the solutions are compatible but are simply suggestions as some ways in which the aformentioned goals can be met)        


 *Regulation should occur before fish are caught rather than after as the most effective way of preventing overfishing. For example, regulation should regulate net drag speed and net mesh size rather than throwing away fish that exceed the pound limit though that too should be in place in a modified form*

----PROBLEMS in the way between current generation fishing technology and next generation technology: