We propose creating an international body under the UN- possibly affiliated with the FAO (but which could also be autonomous) that would regulate/manage/enforce the following treaty that is designed to meet our goals. This treaty only includes the requests of Team 2 and our team, so please post/email what regulations you would like included (i.e. does Team 3 want something on pollution or environmental considerations?):
1. How do we enforce international fishing regulations, including what technology could be used and where technology could be used?
a. We need to achieve near full compliance from most countries and create incentives to deter flag hopping.
i. China, US, EU, Japan, Russia, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand and other countries with large fishing demand*
ii. Offer economic incentives from our regulatory body: trade restrictions on fish/fishing technology placed upon non-compliant countries; similar or more stringent rules apply to countries who sign but flag hop
b. How do we achieve near-full compliance?
i. Treaty/mandate/charter
1. Countries are responsible for all ships that are registered under their flag
2. Cannot register with a noncompliant country
3. Limit what technology can be used where
a. Info from Team 2
4. Fishing quotas for international waters/polar regions
a. Info from other teams on quota success
5. Each countries regulates compliance of ships under its flag by use of
a. Tracking devices
b. Regulatory officers
6. Each country responsible for regulating/measuring/tracking the biodiversity and biomass within coastal regions
7. Funds from dues to research biodiversity/biomass in international and the polar regions
a. How do we track this? Team 10
ii. Financial officers provided to each signatory by the regulatory body to help them balance the demands of the treaty without damaging the economy
1. Committee of experts that deals with case by case
c. Create a body: International Regulatory Commission for Sustainable Fishing (IRCSF)
i. Either autonomous, like NATO
ii. Or a part of the UN, like WHO or UNICEF (suggested)
1. Maybe under or affiliated with the FA
A sub-branch of the UN, UNEP, is already designed to do this. Wouldn't it be good if this could be incorporated into UNEP, rather than coming up with a new body?