Weekly announcements are one of the main ways we communicate with the group as a whole. The announcements are emailed to tech-squares@mit.edu, put on our homepage, and read at Squares that night. Different sets of announcements are appropriate for these different audiences.

Emailed announcements

There's a lot of information about this, so see Emailed Announcements


So what would go on the website is just the announcement about rounds. The website automatically updates the dance schedule but rounds are a little more specific. Usually there are also a few more announcements; this is a template. Notice that the announcement, which is sent out on Monday, includes information about the rounds happening the next day.

Announcements read at the dance:

The following are descriptions of announcements that can be read at dances. Whoever reads announcements should read what is written and not extemporize. (As Kevin says, the announcement sheet is not a PowerPoint.)

Announcements not to read at the dance:

Naturally, neither of these are complete, but hopefully these can provide some guidance as to what we think is or is not worth saying. You can always ask officers (or just the P/VP or Publicity) for advice.