Feb. 21, 2008
Attendee: Catherine, Robin, Mike Moretti, Jcalz, Qing
level of control on metadata:
1. aspects -- need developer involvement
2. extended metadata --controlled by domain admin
3. metadata mapping -- controlled by domain admin
4. tagging -- user controlled
Configurable metadata aspects (meaning domain admins can assign values for fields)
- currently Dublin Core
- extend to other metadata schemas
- nested
- hold content items but do have content
- a leaf node
- have content
grouping thingy
- thalia albums, slideshows
- set of relationships, a view
- should there be a hierarchy?
NEW: relationships between items
- need by OCW
- varying states in a workflow?
thalia, stellar, records management and scanned documents (copies of transcripts, registration info),
myfiles application, licensing application
1. shield the backend form front end. Shield repository implementation details.
2. reduce programming cost in the future
get the fundamental concepts right to make the ecm a general purpose tool in MIT
scalable and extensible
model should be strongly typed and api should be fairly concrete
generation of new REST api should require minimum reconfiguration and automated using metadata
api can be implemented on top of alfresco to reduce network delay.