Define key questions/considerations the Open 2020 Working Group should address.

Who is missing? Work products?


Who is missing:

As possible guests / members:

Larry Kramer, President, Hewlett Foundation (perhaps we can time the third WG meeting at Hewlett with an invitation to him to visit with us!)

Safiya Umoja Noble, author, Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism

Jay Rosen, NYU - also for the journalism connection -

Charlie Nesson, Berkman Klein Center & Harvard Law

Jelani Cobb, The New Yorker =



Work products:


White papers on the challenges this group can help address and some solutions

Interviews with members/possible guests on video or audio or in text

A kind of public commission down the road on the future of truth, akin to the Carnegie Commission launched in the wake of Newton Minow's 1961 "vaste wasteland" speech