RISG – Minutes, February 20, 2008 Attending: Maggie Bartley, Peter Cohn (Chair), Courtney Crummett, Darcy Duke (guest), Remlee Green, Lisa Horowitz, Heather McCann, Georgiana McReynolds (minutes), Anita Perkins, Alan Rostoff, Lisa Sweeney, Mark Szarko Announcements Lisa H. – Nicole created a new topic on the News blog: 10 ways to access MIT electronic subscriptions from anywhere.

Mark – Marion created a wiki for the instructional toolkit and a webpage for the workshop. Mark has added the links on the RISG wiki.

Anita --Update on the CFG/ISG project to embed library links into Stellar pages

Lisa H. – Update on various subgroups from ISG. The ASG/ISG Fines subgroup will be sending their report to PSLG.

Remlee – A group (cite-help) has been formed to assist with bibliographic software questions. A rep from EndNote will be on campus March 10 to provide training for staff and patrons. Video Tutorials Assessment (Darcy) Darcy, on behalf of the Tutorials Task Force, presented the assessment (prepared by consultant Patricia Durisin Barbera) of the public tutorial videos. Quantitative and qualitative measures where used in the findings. Google Analytics was used to obtain statistics on the frequency of use of each video and a survey was used to gather qualitative data. The time frame was from September 1 through December 31, 2007. The data showed that the directory where the tutorials are located was ranked number 13 among all the Libraries web page directories. Some concern was expressed in the meeting that not enough data had been collected from users and the report should reflect that finding. Darcy explained in her presentation that the Tutorials Task Force would have liked to see more feedback and from a wider variety of respondents. The report concluded that the tutorials are valuable tools and the Libraries should continue with the project. A software upgrade will be necessary because of an audio glitch in the current version. In addition, the tutorials need more publicity. Some recent changes have been made to increase the visibility of the tutorials. Certain pages such as the Barton Basics self-help page now have a watch video play button.

The Task Force has finished its work and will now pass the project to RISG. Darcy will continue to assist with training and technical support as needed. Darcy will also investigate where to store video scripts. The possibility of using TechTV is still viable but cannot take place until we upgrade to Camtasia 5. The staffing model will be reviewed by Steve Gass and finalized some time in June.  Reference Vision (Lisa H.) We reviewed the 2002 Reference Vision report including the plan for Reference in 2007. We discussed what has been accomplished thus far, what has been missed (if anything), and how to go forward. We reviewed the 3 goals from 2002 and also discussed the 4 levels of help that were to be made available to the community. Lisa will write up our findings and send a draft to the group. She will also send us RUSA's new definition of Reference.  

To be placed on the agenda for next month
Video Tutorials – Next steps for RISG
Automating the Harvard Special Borrower Card application