Team: Chris Bourg, Curt Newton, Hunt Lambert, John Willinsky, Loic Tallon, MJ Bishop, Cable Green

Meeting #2:

MJ: Why produce Open? Faculty really need good incentives and infrastructure to support this. e.g. OER analog for citation tracking, Willem's study of 10 schools with 39k students; e.g. "my OER simulation was adopted by ## classes impacting ## students" taken into account for Promotion and Tenure cases

Cable: OLI presentation by Candace, for 39 WA school presidents and provosts got leadership support; when they take it back to their schools and faculty, not a single instance was implemented

Open Textbook Library - paid $250 for faculty to review these submitted books

Change in Higher Ed requires persistence more than anything else.

Willem - doing a blended learning analysis of micro- (faculty course) meso- (institute) macro- (national policy) factors, could be relevant 

Preparation (MJ & Curt conversation): 

Do we have all the big questions on the table? For example, to what extent is Open a thing in itself, vs. an affordance or facilitation for bigger goals? And what are those bigger goals, that could motivate deeper engagement in Open?

We should consider value propositions by use case:

See the comments after Meeting #1 for breakdowns of constituencies (for whom), flavors of open, timing (tiers)

Some suggested deliverables

Meeting #1: Define key questions/considerations the Open 2020 Working Group should address. Who is missing? Work products?

Team: Chris Bourg, Curt Newton, Hunt Lambert, John Willinsky, Loic Tallon, MJ Bishop

Also fold in here the Incentives content from the original Sustainability and Incentives team.

** **

Value Propositions definitely good; what value propositions work for each constituency, where do they conflict vs. align?

Team also wants to include incentives that support behaviors toward the value propositions. Need to resolve overlap with Sustainability + Incentives group.

Definitions of Open, not worth working on - use the Budapest Open Access definition? (ask Nicole, Peter S)

Who is missing? Keep it from being too elite

Metric: public ed wants access and outcomes 

Some value propositions for Open

Questions of scope:


Via Willem van Valkenburg:
University: Reputation, quality, innovation
Students: Cost reduction, accessibility, quality, flexibility, modern learning methods
Teachers: Career perspective, possibility to innovate, recognition for education effort, impact

Work products: