Attendees: Angie, Georgiana, Heather, Anita, Maggie, Peter, Remlee, Mark, Lisa H., Lisa S. (minutes) 

Announcements/Updates -15 minutes

-Spring Seminar Update --Heather -5 minutes

-New Membership --putting out a call for new members -5 minutes

-Possible new way of creating subject pages- Remlee, Nicole, and Darcy have been testing a new way of creating subject guides. Remlee will show us and ask for feedback. -15 minutes

-Assessment of Instruction --The instruction assessment group will update us on their progress (Angie, Mark, Lisa H) -15 minutes* Angie, Lisa, & Mark are working on developing a plan to assess student learning

-Reference Vision -Can we discuss how we'd like this presented at PSLG and, time permitting continue our discussion on this?-30 minutes

What is reference at our libraries now?

What is our new vision of what reference is?