Present:  Angie Locknar, Lisa Horowitz, Mark Szarko, Peter Cohn (chair), Remlee Green, Lisa Sweeney, Georgiana McReynolds, Bill Helman, Linda Sobottka, Maggie Bartley (minutes)


Two new RISG members, Bill Helman from Rotch and Linda Sobottka from Science, were welcomed.  Departing member Alan Rostoff was thanked for his work and contributions to the committee.  

This meeting is Peter's last as chair of RISG. Starting in July, Remlee will assume the role of RISG chair.

Lisa Horowitz announced that the Ask Us team is exchanging members.  Remlee will step down and Angie Lockner and Matt Willmott will join.

Lisa Horowitz described the work of the Documentation Infrastructure Prototype Group to compile a centralized repository of documentation on procedures, policies and practices.  She encouraged members to suggest terms/vocabulary that they would use in navigating documentation relating to their areas of expertise or practice.

Mark announced that the Spring Seminar is postponed until 2009.

Angie reported that TLL staff will complete their assessment of 3.091 at the end of June. She will follow up with a presentation to library staff.

Georgiana reported that the project to create an online request form for Harvard borrowing cards has been delayed.

Peter briefly described the CiteLine project initiated as part of further DSpace development.

Peter reported that the instruction coordinators had met to evaluate the results of the pilot study of students' assessments of the relevance of instruction sessions.  Peter will write a summary of the results and present it to RISG.

Plans for collecting and disseminating the annual statistics of instruction events for 2007-2008 were briefly discussed.  It was agreed that the final cut-off date for reporting will be June 30.  Angie will post a second reminder to all-lib.  The instruction statistics report form will be cleared and ready to receive next year's data (July 1, 2008- June 30, 2009) in midJuly.


Pursuant to the system wide instruction plan, the instruction assessment group (Angie, Lisa Horowitz, Mark) reported on their work on developing a pilot plan to assess student learning.  They have reviewed a number of standards and tools related to undergraduate information literacy, and from these, identified several tools to assess short and long term learning outcomes for undergraduates at MIT.  The proposed outcomes focus on students' ability to select appropriate resources according to their information need.  Vehicles for implementing the tools were discussed, and more needs to be learned about taking advantage of the MIT Senior Survey, as well as other surveys done of undergrads as well as grad students.

Wording of the tools was discussed and there were additional suggestions for outcomes that are important for undergraduate literacy. It was agreed that basic data concepts and quantitative information should be considered for assessment in some way.   Maggie will share the proposed standards with Kate McNeill and seek her input on assessment of data-related information.

It was agreed that the group should continue to refine the tools and develop a plan for implementation.  Discussion of assessment for graduate students and whether to continue the survey of students' assessment of instruction relevance, currently in pilot stage, was deferred to another meeting.


Remlee presented recommendations on formatting and style that the LibGuides task force (Remlee, Angie, Peter, Georgiana, Maggie) has developed for LibGuides pages.  Because it is user-friendly, LibGuides, a content management system, can be used by subject specialists to create course pages, subject guides,  cheatsheets, etc. LibGuides will also be used to present listings of databases and their descriptions by subject.  Training for subject specialists and web contacts has been scheduled for July.

The group discussed issues related to the merging of the content of former subject guides, publication type guides, course guides, and cheatsheets with the database listings to create "hybrid" research guides.  UIG and RISG will have more discussions about how to develop the new research guides and associated navigation paths once Nicole and Marion have created some mock-ups.

Next meeting:  July 16, 2008