An optical isolator uses a combination of polarizers and a polarization-rotator to allow tunable transmission in forward and reverse directions. The most common use is to block reflected light from entering a system (such as a laser), allowing it to be operated more stably. 

IO-5-780-VLP - Free-Space Isolator, 780 nm,  Ø4.7 mm Max Beam, 1.7 W Max

Model: IO-5-780-VLP 

Operating wavelength: Operating wavelength 740-820 nm; Maximum blocking at center wavelength

Center wavelength: Tunable between 760-800 nm

Maximum blocking: 35 dB

Transmission: 85%

Maximum beam size: 4.7 mm

Max power: 1.7 W

Bought by Nicholas Rivera, August 2021

Cost: $1,162.19 

Location: 36-228