h1. Question 1 *a) A lattice is divided into two sub-lattices consisting of* <math>N_1</math> *and* <math>N_2</math> *sites respectively* <math>(N_{tot}=N_1+ N_2)</math>*. Placing atoms of type* <math>A</math> *on sub-lattice* <math>2</math> *has an energy penalty of* <math>\epsilon_A</math> *but no penalty on sub-lattice* <math>1</math>*. Specie* <math>B</math> *can sit on both sub-lattices without any energy penalty. Atoms of both species are assumed to be noninteracting. Find the distribution of species* <math>A</math> *and* <math>B</math> *that maximizes the configurational entropy. Distribution: the number of* <math>A</math> *and* <math>B</math> *on each sub-lattice.* <p> </p> Entropy is maximum at <math>x=0.5</math> for both sub-lattices because this concetration generates the maximum number of configurations (note this is unconstrained maximization). Energy penalty does not contribute. <p> </p> *b) Are Fermi-Dirac particles distinguishable or indistinguishable? Briefly motivate your answer.* <p> </p> They can be either depending on the situation. If they can be labeled (for example localized in a solid or on a surface) they are distinguishable. If they cannot be labeled, they are indistingiushable (for example a fermion gas). *c) Sketch the Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein, and Maxwell-Boltzmann average occupation numbers,* <math>f(\epsilon)</math>*, as a function of particle energy for* <math>T>0</math>*. Clearly mark the figure* <math>f(\epsilon)=1</math>*.* <center> !Occupation_probability_vs_energy.PNG! </center> h1. Question 2 *A dilute ideal gas of* <math>N</math> *point-like dipole particles is placed in a constant electric field* <math>E</math> *at constant temperature* <math>T</math> *(*<math>T</math> *is not low) and volume* <math>V</math>*. Each particle has a polarization* <math>p_0</math> *which can align itself parallel or anti-parallel with the electric field. The particles do not interact with each other. As a reminder, the differential work performed while changing the polarization of a substance is given by* <math>\delta W = E dP</math>*, where* <math>P</math> *is the total polarization of the substance.* <p> </p> *a) Find the proper Legendre transform of the energy and derive an expression for the characteristic potential of this system. Also give the total differential of the characteristic potential.* <center> <br> <math>dE = TdS - pdV + \mu dN + \epsilon dP</math> <br> <math>\wedge (N, V, T, \epsilon) = E(S, V, N, P) - TS - P \epsilon</math> <br> <math>d \wedge = -S dT - pdV + \mu dN - Pd\epsilon</math> <br> </center> *b) Write down an expression for the partition function for this system and clearly indicate which states you are summing over.* <center> <br> <math>-\beta \wedge = \frac{S}{k} - \beta E + \beta P \epsilon</math> <br> <math>\gamma = \sum_{\nu} e^{-\beta \epsilon_{\nu} + \beta p_{\nu} \epsilon}</math> <br> </center> The term <math>\nu</math> is a sum over single particle states with all possible energies and polarizations. A system partition function is expressed below. <center> <br> <math>\Gamma = \frac{ \left ( \sum_{\nu} e^{-\beta \epsilon_{\nu} + \beta \epsilon p_{\nu}} \right )^N }{N!}</math> <br> <math>p_{\nu} = \pm p_o</math> <br> <math>\epsilon_{\nu} = \frac{h^2}{8ma^2} \left (n_x^2 +n_y^2 + n_z^2 \right )</math> <br> </center> To a first approximation, translational energy eigenvalues are decoupled from the dipole's interaction with the electric field. <center> <br> <math>\Gamma = \frac{ \left ( e^{\beta \epsilon p_o} + e^{-\beta \epsilon p_o} \right )^N}{N!} q_t^N</math> <br> </center> *c) Write down an equation of state for the polarization expressed in terms of the partition function. There is no need to substitute the expression for the partition function as derived in part b).* <center> <br> <math>d \wedge = -S dT - pdV + \mu dN - P d \epsilon</math> <br> <math>\wedge = -kT \ln \gamma</math> <br> <math>P = 0 \left ( \frac{\partial \wedge}{\partial \epsilon} \right )_{T, V, N}</math> <br> <math>P = kT \left ( \frac{\partial \ln \Gamma }{\partial \epsilon} \right )_{T, V, N}</math> <br> </center> *d) Derive a general expression for the fluctuations of the polarization of the gas (i.e.* <math>\overline {P^2} - \overline P^2 =</math> *?. Leave the answer in terms of general thermodynamic quantities.* <center> <br> <math>\frac{\partial (\overline P \Gamma)}{\partial \epsilon} = \frac{\partial}{\partial \epsilon} \left ( \sum_{\nu} P_{\nu} e^{-\beta (E_{\nu} -P_{\nu} \epsilon ) \right )</math> <br> <math>\frac{\partial \overline P}{\partial \epsilon} + \overline P \sum_{\nu} \beta P_{\nu} e^{-\beta (E_{\nu} - P_{\nu} \epsilon) } = \sum_{\nu} \beta P_{\nu}^2 e^{-\beta (E_{\nu} - P_{\nu} \epsilon) }</math> <br> <math>\frac{\partial \overline P}{\partial \epsilon} + \overline P \frac{\sum_{\nu} \beta P_{\nu} e^{-\beta (E_{\nu} - P_{\nu} \epsilon) }}{\Gamma} = \frac{\sum_{\nu} \beta P_{\nu}^2 e^{-\beta (E_{\nu} - P_{\nu} \epsilon) }}{\Gamma}</math> <br> <math>\overline {P^2} - \overline P^2 = kT \frac{\partial \overline P}{\partial \epsilon}</math> <br> </center> h1. Question 3 *A gas with* <math>N</math> *non-interacting particles is enclosed in a chamber with volume* <math>V</math> *and kept at constant temperature* <math>T</math> *(*<math>T</math> *is not low). Each particle has two energy levels, separated by an energy* <math>\epsilon</math>*. The lower level is two-fold degenerate and the higher level is* <math>\Omega</math> *fold degenerate* (<math>\Omega>>N</math>)*.* <p> </p> *a) Calculate the internal energy of the system in terms of* <math>\epsilon</math>*,*<math>N</math>*,*<math>\Omega</math>*, and* <math>T</math>*.* <p> </p> Since absolute energy reference is arbitrary, set ground state level energy equal to zero. <center> <br> <math>q_{single} = \sum_{nu} e^{-\beta E_{\nu}}</math> <br> <math>q_{single} = 2 + \Omega e^{- \beta \epsilon}</math> <br> <math>Q_{system} \frac{ \left (q_{single} \right )^N }{N!}</math> <br> <math>\overline E = kT^2 \left ( \frac{\partial \ln Q}{\partial T} \right )_{N, V}</math> <br> <math>\overline E = \frac{N \epsilon \Omega e^{-\beta \epsilon}}{2 + \Omega e^{-\beta \epsilon}}</math> <br> </center> *b) Calculate the heat capacity of the system in terms of the same quantities as part (a).* <center> <br> <math>C_V = \left ( \frac{\partial \overline E}{\partial T} \right )_{N, V}</math> <br> <math>C_V = \left ( \frac{\epsilon}{kT} \right )^2 \frac{2Nk \Omega e^{-\beta \epsilon}}{\left ( 2 + \Omega e^{-\beta \epsilon} \right )^2</math> <br> </center> *c) What values does the heat capacity approach in the limit of high and low temperatures? (The limits can be studied even though the heat capacity is derived for a moderate/high temperature case.)* <center> <br> <math>x = \frac{\epsilon}{kT}</math> <br> <math>C_V \prop x^2 \frac{e^{-x}}{\left ( 2 + \Omega e^{-x} \right )^2</math> <br> <math>\lim_{T \right 0} C_v = \lim_{x \right \infty} C_v</math> <br> <math>\lim_{T \right 0} C_v = 0</math> <br> <math>\lim_{T \right \infty} C_v = \lim_{x \right 0} C_v</math> <br> <math>\lim_{T \right \infty} C_v = 0</math> <br> </center> This is a general result of any system with an upper bound on the available energy states. h1. Question 4 *A system with* <math>N</math> *(non-interacting or interacting) particles is occupying a volume* <math>V</math> *at constant* <math>T</math>*.* <p> </p> *NOTE: the energy eigenvalue spectrum is the set of energies* <math>{e_1,e_2,..,e_i,...}</math>*. The index* <math>i</math> *extends over all eigenvectors of the* <math>N</math>*-particle hamiltonian.* <p> </p> *a) Suppose we reversibly perturb the temperature of the system, keeping* <math>N</math> *and* <math>V</math> *fixed. Check all system properties that will change due to this perturbation.* <p> </p> <center> *____ Energy eigenvalue spectrum ____ State probabilities* </center> <p> </p> The state probabilities change <p> </p> *b) Suppose we reversibly perturb the volume of the system, keeping* <math>N</math> *and* <math>T</math> *fixed. Check all system properties that will change due to this perturbation.* <p> </p> <center> *____ Energy eigenvalue spectrum ____ State probabilities* </center> <p> </p> The energy eigenvalue spectrum changes <p> </p> *c) Suppose we add one particle to the system, keeping* <math>T</math> *and* <math>V</math> *fixed. Check all system properties that will change due to this perturbation.* <p> </p> <center> *____ Energy eigenvalue spectrum ____ State probabilites* </center> Both the energy eigenvalue spectrum and state probabilities change. Energy levels are generally functions of <math>N</math> and <math>V</math>, which is why it would change when adding a particle. One way to thank about whether the state probabilities would change is to consider a wavefunctin of <math>N</math> particles to which we would add another particle. The wavefunction then needs to be renormalized and if you work it out, the probability for the particle to enter the ground state will change by just a factor of <math>N+1</math> (even if the particles are non-interacting...). When considering interacting particles, it is more obvious that the probabilities will change when a particle is added. h1. Question 5 *Researchers @ MIT investigating materials for hydrogen storage have recently discovered a new element hydroamorium* (<math>Hr</math>) *showing promise as a hydrogen storage material. The available experimental evidence is summarized as follows:* * *Hydrogen is incorporated as an interstitial and for each* <math>Hr</math> *atom, there is one interstitial site available for hydrogen to occupy* * *when* <math>H</math> *is incorporated into the crystal structure of* <math>Hr</math>*, it bonds (with energy* <math>e_0</math>*) to a single* <math>Hr</math> *and vibrates as an independent harmonic oscillator (with frequency* <math>\omega_H</math>*)in one direction���* * *when no hydrogen is incorporated, each* <math>Hr</math> *atom vibrates as an independent harmonic oscillator with frequency* <math>\omega_0</math> *in each of three available directions* * *If bonded to a hydrogen, the vibrational frequency of* <math>Hr</math> *changes from* <math>\omega_0</math> *to* <math>\omega_1</math>*.* *Assume that the* <math>H</math> *atoms do not interact with one another.* <p> </p> *DATA:* * *mass of* <math>Hr</math> *atom* <math>= m_{Hr}</math> * *mass of* <math>H</math> *atom* <math>=m_{H}</math> * <math>H</math> *vibration frequency* <math>= \omega_H</math> * <math>Hr</math> *vibration frequency* <math>= \omega_o</math> * <math>Hr</math> *vibration frequency when bonded to* <math>H</math> <math>=</math> <math>\omega_1</math> * *Absorption energy of* <math>H</math> *(per atom)* <math>=e_0</math> *(a) for a crystal consisting of* <math>N=</math>*���number of incorporated* <math>H</math> *atoms���, and* <math>M=</math>*���number of* <math>Hr</math> *atoms���* <math>(N < M)</math> *at constant* <math>T</math> *and* <math>V</math> *what are the available excitations/fluctuations?* <p> </p> The data given indicate configurational and vibrational excitations (although the actual solid will have other available excitations). The energy of the system in equilibrium with its environment will fluctuate. <p> </p> *(b) in the same conditions, what is the characteristic potential and appropriate ensemble ?* <p> </p> A characteristic potential with constant <math>N</math>, <math>M</math>, <math>V</math>, and <math>T</math> is expressed below. It is the Hemholtz free energy corresponding to a canonical ensemble. <center> <br> <math>F = E - TS</math> <br> <math>dF = -S dT - p dV + \mu_H dN + \mu_{Hr} dM</math> <br> </center> *(c) What is the chemical potential of hydrogen, when* <math>N < M</math> *hydrogen atoms are incorporated?* <p> </p> A chemical potential is expressed below. <center> <br> <math>dF = -SdT - pdV + \mu_H dN + \mu_{Hr} dM</math> <br> <math>\left ( \frac{ \partial F}{\partial N} \right )_{T, V, M} = \mu_H</math> <br> <math>F = - kT \ln Z</math> <br> <math>Z = \sum_{\nu} \exp \beta E_{\nu}</math> <br> </center> The energy of any microstate of the system decomposes into an additive sum of terms since individual vibrational states are decoupled from one another as well as different possible arrangements of <math>H</math> atoms. It is possible to write the total energy as below. <center> <br> <math>E_{\nu} = \sum_{i=1}^M \Gamma_i e_0 + \sum_{j=1}^3 \sum_{i=1}^{M-N} \hbar \omega_0 \left ( n_{ij} + \frac{1}{2} \right ) + \sum_{j=1}^3 \sum_{i=1}^{N} \hbar \omega_1 \left ( n'_{ij} + \frac{1}{2} \right ) + \sum_{i=1}^{M-N} \hbar \omega_H \left ( n_{i} + \frac{1}{2} \right )</math> <br> </center> The term <math>\Gamma_i</math> indicates the occupancy (by hydrogen) of the ith interstitial site and the <math>n_{ij}</math>'s and <math>n_i</math>'s are quantum numbers associated with various available vibrational modes. Because of an additive separation, the partition function of the system factors. <center> <br> <math>Z = z_{config} z_{vib}^{(Hr)}z_{vib}^{(Hr')}z_{vib}^{H}</math> <br> <math>z_{config} = \sum_{arrangements} \exp \beta e_o N</math> <br> <math>z_{config} = \frac{M!}{N!(M-N)!} \exp \beta e_o N</math> <br> </center> As stated, <math>Hr</math> atoms vibrate in three directions, while <math>H</math> atoms oscillate in only one. <center> <br> <math>x_{vib}^H = \left [2 \sinh \left ( \frac{\beta \hbar \omega_H}{2} \right ) \right]^N</math> <br> <math>z_{vib}^H = (z_H)^N</math> <br> <math>x_{vib}^{(Hr)} = \left [2 \sinh \left ( \frac{\beta \hbar \omega_o}{2} \right ) \right]^{3(M-N)}</math> <br> <math>z_{vib}^H = (z_o)^{3(M-N)}</math> <br> <math>x_{vib}^{(Hr')} = \left [2 \sinh \left ( \frac{\beta \hbar \omega_1}{2} \right ) \right]^{3N}</math> <br> <math>z_{vib}^H = (z_1)^{3N}</math> <br> </center> Combine everything. <center> <br> <math>Z = \frac{M!}{N!(M-N)!} \exp [-\beta \epsilon_o N] (z_H)^N (z_0)^{3(M-N)}(z_1)^N</math> <br> </center> Find the chemical potential of hydrogen. <center> <br> <math>\mu_H = - kT \left ( \frac{\partial \ln(Z)}{\partial N} \right )_{T, V, M}</math> <br> <math>\mu_H = -kT \left [- \beta e_o - \left ( \frac{\partial}{\partial N} \ln [ N! (M-N)!] \right )_{T, M, V} - 3 \ln(z_o) + 3 \ln(z_1) + 3 \ln(z_H) \right ]</math> <br> </center> Use Stirling's approximation of \ln(N!) and express in terms of <math>x</math>. <center> <br> <math>\mu_H = e_o + kT \left [\ln \left ( \frac{x}{1-x} \right ) + 3 \ln \left ( \frac{z_o}{z_1} \right ) - \ln (z_H) \right]</math> <br> <math>x=\frac{N}{M}</math> <br> </center> |