{div:style=width:300px;overflow:hidden;float:left;} {panel:borderStyle=solid|borderColor=#ddd|bgColor=#fbfbfb} h2. Contents {pagetree:root=QuickPages|sort=natural|excerpt=true} \\ h2. On this page {toc:exclude=Contents,On this page|includePages=true} \\ {panel} {div} {div:style=overflow:auto;margin-left:10px;min-height:600px;} h3. OVERVIEW {panel:borderStyle=solid|borderColor=#fff|bgColor=#fff} {panel} QuickPages is a web-based wizard that lets anyone make a professional-looking website quickly. QuickPages is in the early pilot stage. +[+Read the full overview, with key features and business considerations.+|QuickPages Product Overview]+ h3. Quick Links [https://jira.mit.edu/jira/browse/QPP] \\ h3. Key Milestones # Contract Complete # First Pilot: install software on our servers, integrate with our environment, take it for a test drive, get usability feedback, request changes from vendor # Second Pilot: work with a few select customers to make sites, discover gaps in functionality/usability, request changes from vendor # Go live: open the gates to customers \\ h3. For more information If you'd like to receive announcements or discuss QuickPages, you may [subscribe to the mailing list, IST-QuickPages-info|http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/ist-quickpages-info] . The link includes a signup form. \\ {div} |