This document details how to switch the MySQL replication master to a new machine. It makes the following assumptions:

1. There are two MySQL machines in a replication configuration
2. There is one master and one slave
3. Both are configured to be master-capable
4. The master has failed and there is a need to make the slave the master


1. Stop Tomcat

/etc/init.d/tomcat stop

2. Stop Shibboleth

/etc/init.d/shibd stop

3. Shut down the master database by executing the following on the master machine:

/etc/init.d/mysql stop

4. On the slave server, log into MySQL:

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p

5. On the slave server, stop the slave processing:

mysql> stop slave;

6. Stop the slave server:

/etc/init.d/mysql stop

7. On the slave server, add the following option to the /etc/my.cnf file:


— Please note that now your old slave server will be the new master —
--- All references to "Master" now refer to the former slave, now master —
--- All references to "Slave" now refer to the newly-configured slave —
--- The newly-configured slave will usually be the old master —

8. Start the master server:

/etc/init.d/mysql start

9. In the /usr/local/tomcat/conf/server.xml file on the new master, edit the "url=" line for the CAMS section, and make sure the address for the MySQL connection is correct.

10. In the /usr/local/tomcat/conf/context.xml file on the new master, edit the "url=" line in the Resource section, and make sure the address for the MySQL connection is correct.

11. In the /usr/local/shibboleth-idp/etc/resolver.jdbc.xml file on the new master, edit the "dbURL" line in the "JDBCDataConnector" section, and make sure the address for the MySQL connection is correct.

12. Set up a slave server using the Touchstone MySQL Replication instructions.

13. Ensure that the /usr/local/tomcat/conf/server.xml, /usr/local/tomcat/conf/context.xml, and /usr/local/shibboleth-idp/etc/resolver.jdbc.xml files on the new slave server have the correct database URLs, as above.

14. Start the Tomcat server

/etc/init.d/tomcat start

15. Stop the Tomcat server

/etc/init.d/shibd start