First ACCORD Workshop

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Steve Gass <>
Oliver Thomas <>
Vijay Kumar <>
Babi Mitra <>


Common Themes

  1. Customer view to services: providers, contact info, policies, practices, prices, escalation paths, etc.
  2. Service provider community (revitalized Ed-Tech Partners) for sharing information and strengthening relationships within the provider and with client communities
  3. Publicizing services to customers
  4. Services at the edges: in departments, labs, and centers
  5. Service/innovation life cycle: assessment, sustainability, business model (fee v. free, core v. premium)
  6. Thinking beyond "academic computing"
  7. Single sign-on
  8. Engagement in the planning of new services, e.g., Athena Transition, Stellar, Media repositories, Image Management tools

ACCORD is immediately concentrating on three areas:

  1. Revitalizing the community of service providers (formerly Ed-Tech Partners) into the "Accordiacs". We're actively planning the development of a wiki where we're hoping you will provide profiles to share with other members of the Accordiacs. We will also be drafting a "mission" for this new group. We plan to share more details about this with you very soon.
  2. Updating the Teaching with Technology website - We expect to bring a group together both to make sure the information is up to date and accurate, and to determine what additional usability features it should provide. Again, we will share more specific details with you about this very soon.
  3. Reaching out to customers - We're planning to meet with a variety of faculty (and maybe students too) this spring. As those happen we will update you.



Understand Need:

  1. Help faculty understand their needs
    1. Services available
    2. Price point
    3. Colleague's needs
      • Focus groups
  2. Push vs pull
  3. Structure for assessment
    1. communicating with each other
    2. evaluating
    3. translation into agile, responsive services
    4. surveys
    5. are the services currently in place working?



  1. ACCORD: Clearing house, comprehensive index
    1. Sustained
    2. Moderated
    3. Collect from providers
  2. Rejuvenate EdTech Partners
    1. Affinity groups
    2. Institute mandate/support
  3. Edit and upgrade Teaching with Technology page
  4. Address core areas of confusion
    1. Video delivery and production
    2. Classroom ownership and management
    3. Course management
    4. Content repositories
    5. Affinity groups


Understanding need:

Still on "Understanding need":

  1. Determine a method for aggregate feedback from different existing sources; assess and respond to these trends
  2. Have all the existing liaison groups start meeting regularly (OCW, Libraries, RMs, etc.)
  3. Evaluating and improving our existing communication vehicles for faculty and students

Sidebar notes during "Report Out"

"Missing in Charter" / Questions

What ACCORD will do

  1. Capture ideas, synthesize, communicate back to today's workshop attendees and on ACCORD web site
  2. Recommend next steps -> "Top 3" actions
  3. Moira list ( ? )
  4. Provide more granular list of activites
  5. Resurrect EdTech partners
  6. Roadmap
  7. Departmental people