metadata mapping file is domain specific. It allows individual domain to customize their domain environment, such as the display of their metadata field, the name of their public library, help url, etc. The metadata mapping currently is a xml file. It needs to be loaded into thalia via the resttest.jsp interface:
We are working on an UI interface to make this process easier.
We have 15 dublin core metadata fields:
You should have an entry for each of those fields in your mapping file to tell the UI weather or not you intent to use this field and how you want this field displayed.
An entry looks like this:
<dc_field> is the name of the dublin core field and should be one of the 15 listed above.
<label> is how you want this field displayed in the UI
<show> take a "true" or "false" value. If it is set to false, UI will not display this field and this field will not be used in your domain.
<type> can be text, textarea, or select. "text" will display a text field, "textarea" will display a multi-line text field and "select" will display a list box. If you use "select", you need to list all the options to be displayed in the UI by using an <option-list>, for example:
The public library is named "public" by default. If you want to give it an different name, use the <public_library_name> tag. For example:
<public_library_name>Chemistry Department Image Collection</public_library_name>
By default, thalia help goes to If you want user help to go to a different URL, use the <help_url>tag. For example:
By default, if you start an uplod, the upload screen retains all the metadata entered by the previous upload. If you want that screen to be cleared every time, use the <clear_upload_form> tag. For example
By default, the item hover tip is the item title. If you want another field displayed, use the <thumb_mouseover_field> tag. For example
Please note, the value should be one of the 15 dublin core metadata field name.
This is specific to PSB. If you want to turn on the shopping cart feature, use the <shopping_cart_on> tag. For example
By default the domain is open to public. People can use http to access thalia as a guest. However some domains only want to be open to the MIT community.
Use <opentopublic>false</opentopublic> to indicate that only people with MIT certificate can access thalia.