Lab-bench biologists find it difficult to use many existing tools for their data analysis. These tools are generally command-line computer programs written by computational biologists. Computational biologists do not have time to create user-friendly interfaces for their programs, and often find themselves spending a lot of time helping lab-bench biologists run their programs. This creates a burden for all involved: lab-bench biologists cannot move forward with their data analysis, and computational biologists cannot move forward with their research.
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Our final design focused on simplicity and learnability for lab-bench biologists and learnability and efficiency for computational biologists. One major design decision was whether to make two separate interfaces for the two user groups or to make a common interface for both. We decided to design a common interface because, the roles of our two user groups are not totally isolated and overlap in a number of tasks. We tried to make the most common task of a lab-bench biologist which is generating the command for using a script, simple, intuitive and learnable. On the other hand, we tried to design the task of creating or editing a script to be as efficient as possible since the computational biologists are efficient users of computers. We incorporated support for both keyboard and mouse actions throughout our interface (e.g. tabbing through fields, click vs enter etc.).
On the login page, we wanted to make the actions “Sign in” and “Create an account” more visible, so we used big blue buttons for them. We tried to make the placement of these buttons externally consistent with popular web applications like gmail. |
The design of our landing page went through a number of revisions. The design considerations were - what actions to put in the action wheel, how the actions should be placed, how to remove ambiguity from the names of the actions, whether the labels of the actions should be hidden or displayed, what icons to use etc.
When user presses the “Generate Command” button, an overlay is shown with the generated command. The user can save the generated command to his notes by hitting the “Save to Notes” button. |
Note for a particular script is displayed in an editable textbox as an overlay. The user can edit inline and save right away. |
Clicking on “Save Parameters” asks the user to provide a name for the configuration so that, he can load this configuration later. An alternative design may have been akin to how ms word works, in which a user would view all their save files for the script in |
Clickng "Load Parameters" allowed the user to select a previously saved parameter configuration. Note that saves within the last minute are displayed with the words "Just now", which we felt was more informative than just listing the time. |
On the homepage, clicking on “My Notes” shows the user an overlay with a scrollable list with all his notes. Recently accessed notes appear on the top of the list. We also show the names of the script owners so that no ambiguity arises when two different owners have scripts with same name. The choice of overlay seemed more appropriate because it avoids unnecessary page switching. |
Clicking on the “History” button on the homepage shows the user an overlay with a scrollable list of his ten most recently accessed scripts. If the user is also the owner of the script, then both “Edit” and “Use Script” options for that script is available in the list. The choice of overlay seemed more appropriate because it avoids unnecessary page switching. |
If the user selects Create/Edit Script on the home page, they are presented with this screen. We made the create/edit script button do substantial double duty. It is greyed out if the text box is blank. If the user enters a new script name or selects a prexisting script, the button changes accordingly. |
The list of scripts works like autocomplete. If the text in the textbox does not correspond to the name of a prexisting script, the button changes to "Create New Script". |
If the name of the script in the textbox corresponds to an existing script, the button changes to "Edit Script" |
When a new script is created, the user is taken to this landing page. We made the design decision to force a user to name the script prior to creating the script - as opposed to programs like Microsoft Word which allow you to create untitled documents and only require you to specify a name while saving. We made this design decision as it allowed us to couple loading an old script with creating a new script up front. However, the violation of external consistency did cause confusion. |
Commands are constructed as chunks of 'static text' (not associated with user input) and parameters/flags (associated with user input). Tooltips are provided to explain what each of the buttons do. |
Pressing 'Add Static Text' introduces this overlay, with the focus on the input field. |
Pressing 'Add Parameter' introduces this overlay, where the user fills in details about the parameter. Parts of this overlay change dynamically depending on what the user selects. To facilitate fast entry of similar parameters, the values of 'Input Field' and 'Required' are remembered when the user tries to create a new parameter, while other fields are cleared. |
For instance, if the user sets 'Input Type' (green underline above) to Flag, the 'Required' checkbox (red underline above) disappears (as it does not make sense to 'require' a flag, which by definition can be either on or off), and the 'Default Value' line and associated input text field (underlined in blue above) turn into 'On by default?' and a checkbox respectively. |
Making a parameter required changes the 'Default Value' label to 'Suggested Value', as it does not make sense to have a default if the user is required to provide input anyway. In the lab-bench biologist facing side of the interface, 'Default Values' are filled in with pending delete, while 'Suggested Values' are filled in as placeholders. |
If the user leaves critical fields blank and tries to press 'Add Parameter', the interface will complain by returning the focus to the field that has an error and providing a tooltip. Feedback we received indicates that this error calling could be made more conspicuous, perhaps by highlighting the problematic checkbox in red. |
When parameters are added, the details of the parameter appear in a table. Parameters can be edited from the table. We decided to include this table in addition to the window where chunks of the command can be dragged around after feedback we received on our paper sketches. |
There is redundancy in how the user can edit command chunks: they can edit from the table, as mentioned before, or they can click on a chunk and press 'Edit'. This will bring up a popup where the user can make changes. |
To save a script, the user presses the save button. The script is saved under the name specified at the time of creating the script (note: this differs from the style of programs like MS Word, as discussed previously). Feedback appears as an updated time in green, but during user testing we discovered that this feedback could be louder. |
To share the script with the public, the user presses 'saveNshare'. This brings up an overlay where the user can enter the email addresses of the people they want to share the script with. Script sharing works by appending the script ID to the BioMate URL; anyone with the link can access the script. This allows a user to share a script with a mailing list without any problems. |
If the user presses cancel to exit the page, they are presented with a confirmation box to ensure they don't accidentally leave behind unsaved work. |
We implemented the front end of our interface using Javascript and HTML/CSS. We relied heavily on two external libraries: Twitter Bootstrap and JQuery. In particular, we used Bootstrap features such as modal popups and tooltips, as well as built-in Bootstrap layout and styles in order to keep our interface consistent throughout all screens.
The back end of our interface was implemented using Parse. We decided to use Parse since we would not need to write any server-side code or maintain a database server – Parse handles all server-side code. Parse also has several very useful features including a built-in User class for managing user accounts, password reset, and everything associated with a secure user session. Parse also has a feature for dynamically sending emails to user-specified email addresses, which we found useful for implementing sharing scripts.
As mentioned above, we used the built-in Parse.User class to manage user sessions and secure login. In addition, we created a set of Parse classes in order to encapsulate interaction with the back end and separate it from our UI elements. The major classes we created were:
Each class has instance-level methods to edit or delete a particular instance of the class, as well as class-level methods to create a new instance or select a set of objects matching certain criteria.
We implemented automated email sharing of scripts using Mailgun-Parse Cloud, which is another feature available through Parse. When the owner of a script decides to share it with others, they specify a set of email addresses, and a link containing the script id is automatically sent to those addresses. Any user with the link can then log into BioMate and access the script. We decided to add a “UserScript” instance at the point when the user logs in (rather than at the point the owner clicks "Share") to facilitate sharing, since the script owner may want to share the script with a panlist or with someone who does not yet have a BioMate account. Additionally, we have found that existing applications such as Google Docs already use this paradigm, and external consistency is a desirable feature.
We performed our user test by briefing each user with a scenario and asking them to perform certain tasks using our interface. We found our users in a biology lab at MIT that collaborates heavily with computational biologists, which we expect to be our target user population. In total we tested two lab-bench biologists from this lab, as well as one computational biologist also affiliated with the lab. Below is the briefing we gave our users:
Av has made a graphical interface on BioMate for you that will allow you to use the tophat/cufflinks script more easily (this is a script that members of the lab are already familiar with). The interface will allow you to specify what your inputs and options are, and then press a button to generate the correct command-line syntax for the tophat/cufflinks script, which you can then cut and paste into the terminal.
There is a utility called intersectBed on the server that can be used to intersect two files in the bed format. Command-line help for this command can be obtained by logging into the server and typing 'intersectBed'. A lab bench biologist would like to intersect two bed files on the server. Your task is to use BioMate to create an interface that will allow the lab bench biologist to specify the input files and the options. The lab bench biologist will then press a button labeled "generate command" to generate the correct command line syntax for the job they want to run.
Issue |
Rating |
Solution |
Instructions in the "Use a Script" page may or may not be informative, depending on how much effort the computational biologist put in when creating the script for sharing. |
minor |
Encourage computational biologists to write good instructions by adding placeholder text such as “Write good instructions so users will know how to use your script” |
The “Load Parameters” popup is blank and not informative before the user has saved parameter values for a given script. |
major |
The "Load Parameters" button should not even be visible until the user saves parameters. |
Tooltips in the "Use a Script" page sometimes overflow and are generally unhelpful. |
major |
Programmers should be given guidance when creating tooltips (e.g., character limit) such that tooltips do not overflow. |
It’s not obvious that “Use a Script” really just means “generate the command to run a script in the terminal”. |
minor |
Tooltip or instructions for the “Use a Script” page should clarify the purpose of the page. |
One user clicked “Save As” rather than “Save” when creating a script because he did not expect the script to initially have a name. It seems that our decision to force users to name the script first is not externally consistent. Most applications (e.g., Microsoft Word) only require the user to specify a name the first time the user hits “Save”. |
major |
Do not force the user to name the script until they hit “Save” or “Save As” for the first time |
Feedback from the “Save” button (e.g., "Saved at <timestamp>") is not visible enough in the "Create/Edit a Script" page. |
major |
Move the feedback to a more visible location |
It would be nice to be able to share scripts without going to the “Create/Edit a Script” page. |
minor |
Add functionality for sharing scripts from the home page |
The difference between “Caveats” and “Instructions” was not obvious to the user. |
minor |
Change the name of “Caveats” or change the placeholder text to make it clear what the difference is. Or perhaps get rid of Caveats all together. |
The purpose of “Warnings” and “Tooltip” were not obvious to the user. |
minor |
Show a picture so users can see how these would look in the interface |
For efficiency, it would be useful to be able to copy parameters. |
minor |
Add the ability to copy parameters from the table or from the draggable chunks. |
“Alias” and “user friendly name” seem to be redundant. |
minor |
Combine these fields into one field called “Name” |
Icons on the navigation bar are not obvious. |
minor |
Make the icons bigger and more visible. |
We found the spiral design process to be quite useful. In particular, the prototyping and user testing helped to improve our final design a lot. During paper prototyping, we did a couple of iterations and it was very easy to test the different design alternatives we had. We could incorporate suggestions from the users into our designs on the fly which was pretty useful. We felt more committed to our design once we built our computer prototype since it required a substantial amount of work to implement. But we did make revisions in our design based on the heuristic evaluations we received from our classmates.
Sometimes prototypes can oversimplify tasks and important implementation issues can be overlooked. For example, with the paper prototype we did not need to care about how the backend of the application was going to work, how we were going to save the information about users and scripts, how scripts would actually be shared etc. However, it took a substantial amount of work to implement the functionality for the final implementation.
If we were to do this project again, we would test the script sharing functionality more. We would prototype two alternatives - in app sharing vs. sharing via email (this is implemented in our current application) to see which one makes more sense for the target users. We might also like to test whether users would prefer their saved parameters to be associated with an historical run of the script rather than named saved parameters which need to be explicitly loaded. Finally, if we had more time, we would have liked to prototype different alternatives to all of the different text fields in the programmer interface (caveats, instructions, warnings, and tooltips).
And last but not the least, from the final user testing, we actually discovered how our assumptions about the behavior of “Save” and “Save As” differed from what the users expected. Our assumption was not consistent with the typical behavior of Save As in commonly used applications such as Microsoft Word. We should have been more careful about making our design consistent with users’ expectations.