RISG agenda, Wed., 11/19/08: 10-11:45; Rotch Conference Room

Present: Helman, Bartley, Cohn, Locknar, Green, McCann (minutes), Sweeney, Szarko, Horowitz

Guest: Michael Noga

Charm school - Michael Noga came to talk to us about Charm school. He gave a historical perspective, and told how he and a group of other librarians got involved and made a library course. It started as a skit, but now it's a quiz. He sets up three laptops, and gives a group of students a few questions and asks them to use whatever resources they can to find the answer. He gives prizes, mostly candy and movie tickets for really great searching skills. He shared some experiences and explained how it fits into the larger charm school idea. He is going to be putting out a call to get people to help him work on it.

He'll come back around February to give us feedback on how it went (strengths/opportunities).

*Announcements: *

We updated the Goals and Future agenda items table.

Reference Vision Project Report

We spent some time going over the current draft of the Reference Visions Project report. It was an engaging conversation, with plenty of suggestions and discussions, that both clarified text on the report, and in our minds.