Present: Peter Cohn (chair), Angie Locknar, Alan Rostoff, Georgiana McReynolds, Lisa Sweeney, Mark Szarko, Michael Noga, Maggie Bartley (recorder).
Guest: Darcy Duke
Presentation from Darcy Duke for the Tutorials Task Force:
Darcy reported on the activities of the video tutorials project and broached RISG on some of the issues about which the task force will make
There was extensive discussion about which staff will be involved in creating tutorials, who will take responsibility for the upkeep of the general tutorials after the task force has been disbanded, how staff training will be implemented, who will own the templates for the tutorials, and who will be responsible for upgrades to the software. Comments were also sought about proposals for priorities for tutorial topics.
Darcy suggested that RISG might be the logical candidate to take responsibility for maintenance and updating of the tutorials, but there was no general agreement on this proposal. RISG members did suggest that:
It was agreed that the discussion would be resumed at a future meeting, along with consideration of how to market the tutorials. In the interim, RISG members agreed to think about priority topics for video tutorials.
Assessment Planning:
Peter led a discussion on planning for RISG's current assessment project. Although most of RISG's plans for the assessment project have been determined, a few issues still require clarification.
First, it has been difficult to identify a source of disaggregated data to treat the question of whether users know they can get reference assistance at local service desks. It was agreed that Peter would consult with Lisa Horowitz about an appropriate methodology.
Second, a workable and appropriate definition of what is meant by "research consultation" remains elusive. Research consultations are often thought of as one-on-one appointments with librarians. It was observed, though, that many in-depth consultations occur ad hoc, without prior appointments, and many in depth consultations are transacted over email with no face-to-face
Peter will seek advice from Lisa Horowitz about clarifying a working definition of research consultations and appropriate data sources. He will report on the outcome of his conversations with Lisa, and the group will attempt to finalize the assessment planning.
Next meeting: March 14, 2007