RISG - 12/17/08

Peter Cohn, Remlee Green (chair), Bill Helman, Nicole Hennig (guest), Lisa Horowitz, Angie Locknar, Heather McCann, Georgiana McReynolds (minutes), Anita Perkins, Mark Szarko

Research Guides - Lisa

Lisa led the discussion about the Research Guide pages. She pointed out some issues that need to be addressed:

Nicole led the discussion on the results of the latest Usability Tests for Vera Multi-Search, Research Guides, and Worldcat Local. Detailed information is available at http://libstaff.mit.edu/usability/  Action items:

Members of the sub-group led the discussion on when and how to collect reference statistics.


Several products were demoed as possible methods for collecting statistics. None of them are completely satisfactory. Bill or Remlee will send Georgiana an output file from one of the products in order to explore reporting formats in BrioQuery.