Before you begin, you must have the following:

* a trusted server Java keystore.

Need a Trusted Server Java keystore?  Here are instructions on how to create a trusted server Java keystore.

1. The eclipse.ini file

For this example, it is assumed that:

* The Java trusted server keystore has been created and is named *serverTrustStore.jks*.\\
* The directory path to the trusted server keystore is */usr/local/*.\\
* The password for the trusted server keystore is *changeit*.\\
* Eclipse has been installed at */usr/local/eclipse*.

You must make name and path adjustments to the above assumptions to conform to your configuration.

    1. cd to /usr/local/eclipse and edit the eclipse.ini file.  The contents of the eclipse.ini file should be similar to the following:


    2. add the following 2 lines to the -vmargs as shown below."changeit" 

      Don't forget to change */usr/local/serverTrustStore.jks* to that required by your installation and to change the *trustStorePassword* from {color:green}*changeit*{color} to the password of your trust store.

    3. Save the above changes and restart the Eclipse IDE.

      Mac OSX users should select the Eclipse application file and right click to Show Package Contents. Select the Contents folder and the eclipse.ini file should be found.