Resources needed for rapid analysis of W events from 2009 pp 500 GeV run
(relay only RCF resources)

Updated 16 April 2009 (UTC)

Primary goal is publication of W xsection. Approaching conferences do not define deadlines for intermediate results.
We will work first on sufficient quality calibration.
If final TPC tracking accuracy is not adequate we will not publish separately W+ vs. W- .

  1. real events data sets , obtained ~1TB (mit+iucf+data05+06+07)
  2. MC events Pythia 500 GeV, geometry 2009, needs ~200GB (uky)
  3. TPC calibration needs : low lumi data set at 200 GeV 3M events (to be taken!) , 200GB disk for muDst (data07), 1-2 CPU years
    1. twist, inner/outer alignment done by STAR core team - 1 week of work according to Gene
    2. Space Charge corrections by Joe: muDst=200GB, 2.5 CPU month per pass, 3-8x iterations
  4. EMC calibrations: ~week of CPU , few weeks of FTE per detector
  5. CPU needs for data analysis: 2 CPU years (TPC calibration effort not included)

Approximate schedule, milestones, an estimate

  1. calibrations ~1-2 months
  2. BFC 1st production ~1 week
  3. tuning of W-cuts ~2 weeks, first W peak in ET spectrum
  4. comparison to M-C, efficiency : ~1 month
  5. (if needed) BFC 2nd production : ~1 week
  6. final analysis , preliminary cross section released : ~1 month
  7. writing paper, cleanup of analysis, draft ready for spin PWG : ~3 months
  8. comments from spin PWG, analysis : ~2 months, draft ready for GPC
  9. working w/ GPC : ~3 months, paper sent to publisher