ABAP Review Check List

This is a work in process. Please feel free to ask questions, make suggestions & correct misinformation!
Carolyn Fuller fuller@mit.edu

Mandatory Checks

Many of these checks can be done automatically by launching transaction ZUTALORS

I. Documentation

  1. Program documentation
  2. Function Module documentation
  3. Include documentation
  4. In source documentation
  5. Beginning block of source code documentation

II. Naming Conventions

Variable & Interface Parameter & Names

  1. Selection options = S_
  2. Internal tables (global) = GT_
  3. Internal tables (local) = LT_
  4. Constants = GC_
  5. Constants (local) = LC_
  6. Ranges (global) = GR__
  7. Ranges (local) = LR_
  8. Simple variables (global) = GV_
  9. Simple variables (local) = LV_
  10. Structures (global) = GS_
  11. Structures (local) = LS_
  12. Object references (global) = GO_
  13. Object references (local) = LO_
  14. Exception class reference (global) = GX_
  15. Exception class reference (local) = LX_
  16. Form parameter (Used in the actual form not the Perform statement.)
  17. Class Method, Web Dynpro Method or Function Module parameters
  18. Locally defined classes = LCL_
  19. Locally defined interfaces = LIF_
  20. Locally defined exception classes = LCX_
  21. Screen Parameters = A_ or P_

Web Dynpro View Element Naming Conventions

(see ZUTALORS or ZUTREV for the list of Naming Conventions)

Program & Function Group Names

Below XX is the application area found in the custom table, ZCA_ABBR
  1. Report Programs, Web Dynpro Components, Enhancements, Function Groups = ZXX (if one time program YXX)
  2. Function Modules = Z_XX
  3. Module Pools = SAPMZXXn (n = sequential number 0 - 9)
  4. Web Dynpro Application = ZXX<name>_APP
  5. Class = ZCL_XX
  6. Exception Class = ZCX_XX
  7. Assistance Class = ZCL_XX<name>_ASSIST
  8. Interface = ZIF_XX

ABAP programs (reports), function groups and module pools all use a 2 character application name abbreviation. The list of current M.I.T. applications will be maintained in the custom table ZCA_ABBR..

III. Attributes

  1. Authorization Group in attributes - Programs that can be executed by all MIT users must be configured using the Authorization Group 'ZOPN2ALL' for Application '*'.
  2. Development Class needs to be application specific. This standard is a work in process.
  3. Unicode Check Active is check-marked.
  4. Accessibility Check Active is check-marked for Web Dynpro View Components
  5. Web Dnpro View Components pass accessibility check (Web Dynpro Component -> Check -> Complete Object)
  6. WDACCESSIBILITY = X on the parameters tab in Web Dynpro Application
  7. Webdynpro view layouts should contain <h2> tags associated with major sections of page layout. (A Transparent Container that is used for the purposes of organizing the page into sections must be "Labeled by" a sectionHeader UI element with level property set to "header4"). Below "Student details" and "Transaction details" are header4 sectionHeaders. The Transparent Container, TC_STUDDETAIL1 is labeledBy the SectionHeader SH_STUDHEADER.