If you have encountered a problem using the Stellar system or have a comment or question about Stellar, please contact the [Service Desk|http://ist.mit.edu/support] via [email|mailto:stellar-help@mit.edu] or at 617-253-1101, Monday - Friday 8-5 EST.
For a list of issues with Stellar of which we are aware and working to solve, and for their workarounds, please see the [Known Issues] page and the [Stellar FAQs|Frequently Asked Questions] page.

For information on supported browsers, certificates at MIT and other technical issues, please see our [Software Help] page.
For training, please visit the [IS&T Training site|http://ist.mit.edu/services/training] to register for a session.

We also have a set of training videos about using Stellar, please visit [Stellar Training Videos|https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/display/stellarhelp/Stellar+Training+Videos] to watch.

h1. Stellar User Guide


h2. Latest News
h2. {recently-updated:space=@self|max=10}

{bgcolor:#E6E6FA} h3. You@Stellar {bgcolor}
You@Stellar is a personalized page displaying class site information for a Stellar user. It shows all classes for a semester and associated Materials and Announcements for each of those classes. The default view is the current day; however, the user can scroll backward and forward within the semester to view past and future class information. You@Stellar contains cross-links to Course Guide which provides detailed pages containing subject history information on past classes.

{bgcolor:#E6E6FA} h3. Course Guide {bgcolor}
The [Course Guide|https://stellar.mit.edu/courseguide/] is a complete listing of all courses at MIT. Summarizes all known information about a particular course including title, description, course number, past and present Stellar sites, OCW sites, cost of course textbooks, and more. Section sites can be listed in the Course Guide and have the course title and access level. Course Guide tab in topnav links to full guide containing class lists from the past year's semesters.

h4. Resources
* [3Down|http://3down.mit.edu/3down/]
* [Coursepicker|http://picker.mit.edu/]
* [Stellar|http://stellar.mit.edu] 
* [Bookpicker|https://bookspicker.mit.edu:444/]