UX Systemwide Assessment 2011

This document articulates the UX objectives and implementation plans for the 2011 systemwide assessment.

Updated 9/1/11.  (Also see UX FY11 Goals, which are local goals, separate from the systemwide assessment.)

2011 UX Objectives

The list below are the objectives that we have agreed to pursue.

Systemwide Objective: Understand our Users

1.    UX objective: Explore how new technologies and formats are having an impact on how MIT scholars find, use, and share information for their study, research, and publishing.


The next item is both for the above objective and this one:

Systemwide Objective: Transform library spaces

2.    UX objective: Gather baseline data about how our spaces are currently being used and how well they meet our users’ needs.


Possible Measures

Systemwide Objective: Improve infrastructure for locating and accessing digital products

3.    UX objective: Working with AMPS, create a new web portal to the video collections at MIT that highlights the excellence in teaching and the student learning experience at MIT.


4.    AMES/LDLC/UX objective: Improve the DSpace@MIT user interface.


Other units’ objectives that may potentially impact UX

Other units may require use of our tools to measure their objectives, or their work may impact our work. Draft objectives that units submitted that may potentially impact UX are listed here; not all objectives that were submitted are listed here. (For comprehensive list of up-to-date objectives, see FY11 Objectives.)

green - may become part of the usability or user needs studies
pink - may require UIG resources (other than usability)

1.    Understand our users
2.        Improve customer service
3.        Increase awareness
4.        Improve infrastructure for locating and accessing digital products (advisor = Mat)

Preplanning for 11/22/10 meeting of "UX assessment leadership team" LS/NH/LRH: UX Assessment Plan 2011