GR1 - Task Analysis

User Analysis

Since our application caters to a very specific crowd (ZBT Fraternity at MIT, in particular) and isn't intended to be adapted for commercial use, we can have a very focused target user base.  Here are the characteristics of our target user population:

Here are two personae that we believe, between the two of them, capture the average user.

Task Analysis

GOAL 1: Check current Midnights



  1. Login to the exchange
  2. Navigate to the most current display of Midnight assignments

GOAL 2: Buy Midnight Labor



  1. Display the current market for labor prices for a specific Midnight
  2. Determine if the current market price for Midnight labor is acceptable to the user. If so,
    1. Enter date of Midnight
    2. Enter Midnight type
    3. Place buy market order
  3. If market price is too high,
    1. Enter date of Midnight
    2. Enter Midnight type
    3. Enter ask price
    4. Place buy limit order
  4. Confirm order
  5. Wait for notification that order has been filled.

GOAL 3: Sell Midnight Labor



  1. Display the current market for labor prices for all Midnights
  2. Determine if the current market price for Midnight labor is acceptable to the user. If so,
    1. Enter date of Midnight
    2. Enter Midnight type
    3. Place sell market order
  3. If market price is too low,
    1. Enter date of Midnight
    2. Enter Midnight type
    3. Enter bid price
    4. Place sell limit order
  4. Confirm order
  5. Wait for notification that order has been filled.

GOAL 4: Speculate on Midnight labor



  1. Browse Midnight labor prices
  2. Place a buy order (outlined above) for Midnight labor, with the intent of selling it before the Midnight expires.
  3. Place a sell order (outlined above) for Midnight labor at a higher price than the buy order.
  4. Confirm order
  5. Wait for notification that order has been filled.

Domain Analysis