\[gets notified by / notices\] Colby's comments |
(3 Designs here! Keep them simple but different from one another.
- Describe the design in words and sketches
- Explain how the design works with the scenario above
- Analyze learnability, visibility, efficiency, and error prevention)
The main page looks like this.
(Image: Main Page)
There is only one search box, which can take any type of search terms: location, scenery type, date, or uploader. Advanced search can be accessed by a link. The picture around the search box are the recently posted pictures or pictures related to the current events.
When Paul arrives at the home page, he uses the login link to login. Then he goes to the User's Page
(Image: User's Page)
The user's control panel is composed of three tabs. Paul wants to add photo, so he opens the add photo tab.
(image: Add Photo) (Image: Supply Photo Info)
He browses for his photo directory on his camera. Then he adds photo information on the subsequent page. He uses the "Copy" button to copy all information often since most of the pictures are taken from the same place in the same day.
Paul then calls his aunt Valentina. Knowing that Paul went to California, Valentina goes to the website and enter "California" into the search box. The website goes to the search result page.
(Image: Search results)
Valentina sees beautiful pictures of California, but this is not what she exactly wanted. She notices the Refine Result box on the right and enter Paul's name into the uploader box. She sees Paul's pictures at Joshua Tree and clicks on the photo. This brings Valentina to the view/comment page.
(Image: View/Comment)
Valentina just view the photo. The related photos on the right shows some other photos that Paul took and some other photos of California. She decides to browse some of those pictures.
Meanwhile, Coldy is looking at the same photo. He admires the photo, but he sees that some of the information Paul wrote for the photo is not correct. So he talks to Paul by entering his comment in the box at the bottom of the comment section.
Later, Paul open his user's page. He sees Coldy's comment in the recent comments. So he clicks on Manage Photo tab to edit the information of several images he uploaded on that day.
(Image: Manage Photo)
He selects the photo pile from the day he uploaded. The edit photo info page reappears, and Paul edits the photos' descriptions.