Scenario: Play round of bridge
- 4 users agree to play bridge (Harrison, Jack, Tuan, David). teams are Harrison and Tuan vs Jack and David
- all users sit down at a table
- Harrison is dealer, chosen at random, first shuffles deck of cards
- Harrison distributes deck of cards evenly to all players with cards faced down
- after all cards have been dealt, person to left of dealer (Jack) begins bidding process by calling a suit and number (1Heart)
- bidding occurs in left to right order. Tuan calls 1 spade. David calls 2 clubs. Harrison passes. Jack passes. Tuan calls 2 spades. Everyone passes.
- Harrison is dummy
- David starts with ace of clubs
- Tuan chooses to play for Harrison, 3 of clubs.
- Jack plays 7 of clubs.
- Tuan plays 2 of spades.
- Tuan wins round, takes trick.
due Sunday 11:59pm
Design B
Usability Analysis
- pros: options are made visible via circular pop up
- cons: terminology (ie stackify)
- pros: dealer privileges might speed up big actions via buttons
- cons: making large stacks is tedious (lots of clicks)
- pros:** mouse cursor changing to express object interaction** stack size numbers attached to each stack** glowing card selection
- cons: hard to tell owner of last played card
- pros:
- cons: hard to correct mispressed card for stacking
Design C
Usability Analysis
- pros: very simple,
- cons: no notion of hands, actions must be discovered
- pros: hotkeys to select card and mode
- cons: all players must unanimously vote to approve global modes
- pros: right click shows drop down menu of options
- cons: display of card is universal
- pros: all actions are easily undo-able
- cons: lots of selection errors but easy to undo. mode errors likely but undo-able