GR3 - Paper Prototyping

Prototype photos

When the user first navigates to the rideshare page, they are asked to login with an mit certificate, but can still see the functionalities available for logged in users.

Once logged in, the user can see listed rides. This image shows one listing, where the user has refined the listing results to those starting at 6:00.

The user can refine the listing by filling out the refine search form on the left side of the prototype.

If no rides match their needs, they can post a new ride, using the post a ride form.

When the ride is posted, the user is taken to a page showing just their rides with a confirmation message. The user now has the options to delete one of their postings or share them with friends.


Scenario Tasks


During our user testing, we noticed issues that were easily fixed in our second iteration, though we also noticed a few issues that we are planning on clarifying for our prototype impelementation.

Problems specific to our first iteration:

Higher level problems:

Prototype iteration