GR3 - Paper Prototyping

Prototype photos




The following is the briefing that we presented to our users:

SkullWeb was designed to provide the brothers of Phi Kappa Sigma a simplistic interface to keep track of their house responsibilities and reserve rooms for events. Today we would like you to become a temporary member and test the main features of our prototype.

Scenario Tasks

We asked all users to perform the same tasks on our prototypes:

The final task was not presented until all the other tasks had been completed by the user.


For each iteration we had three users. For each user our observers recorded interesting reactions, decisions, and anything significant thing the user said. At the end of the test each user was asked if they had any comments to make that they did not state during the test.

First Iteration

User 1

During Test


User 2

During Test


User 3

During Test


Second Iteration

User 1

During Test


User 2

During Test


User 3

During Test


Prototype iteration

First Iteration

Our first prototype was a combination of the three designs we had for GR 2. SkullWeb had two tabs that would change the entire page. First was the "Home" tab, this would be the homepage of our site. It included an area that had the current week's house job Under this area was a form that the user had to fill in and complete for reserving rooms. There was a calendar on the left side of the page and under it was a list of all room reservations and the user's house jobs. The second tab was labeled "House Jobs". In this tab was a weekly list of all house jobs, with the user's job in bold. The job was indicated as complete when the user's job was clicked on. At the top of the list was an arrow pointing to the left, the month and week that the user was currently viewing, and an arrow pointing right. When the arrows were clicked on the list would change to the last or next week's list.

Second Iteration

The second prototype that we had user tested only contained one main page. Within this page was an area that had two separate tabs. The first tab (which is selected from the start) was the "House Job" tab. This tab contained a list of all house jobs for a specific week. The arrow system described in the first iteration was used again for this list (where each arrow took you to a new list for a new week). The user's house job now included an "X" or check symbol whenever clicked on, to signify a complete or incomplete job. The second tab was the "Room Reservation" tab. The same form used from our first iteration was included in this tab. Under this form was a list of all room reservations that utilized the arrow system of the house job list. When a entry of the list was selected it would slide the entries under it down and show extra information on that specific entry. Whenever a user completed the form their entry would then show in the list.