Hourly Student Appointment Automation Project

Reporting Period: May 9, 2011 - May 13, 2011

Overall Status:   (warning)     

Please note that the overall status continues to appear yellow due to resource issues, not actual project work/schedule. We are slightly ahead of schedule on non webdynpro development and on target for all other work.


  1. Requirements Phase Retrospective  - Analyzed results of feedback
  2. Design: Completed 4 interviews to obtain user feedback on the 'create appointment' paper prototypes
  3. Resources:
    1. Participated in interview for training resource
    2. Education systems resource - approval in progress
  4. Tech specs, configuration and development tasks:
    1. In progress: Tech spec for SAP backend processing of 'create appointment' transaction, review of UROP project table structure, started coding of hours validation
    2. Completed: Analysis of UROP project production data, created student education (9022) infotype

Upcoming Tasks/Milestones

  1. Continue working on design and implementation tasks
  2. Finalize approval of Education Systems developer
  3. Continue participation in the interviews for a training resource (as time allows)
  4. Start coaching, prototype development using WD4A





Current Status

Mitigation Strategy (for risk only)

Due Date


Originally the QA resource was scheduled to work 50% on the EL project and 50% on the Hourly Student Appointment (HSA) project for the entire project.  EL now requires 100% QA resource effective in July. May result in project delays to HSA project if QA resource is not available when we need him


Resource started on 5/2 and gave his notice on 5/6/2011. New risk - delays could result if replacement is not found in a timely manner; new search in progress

Reassess once we finalize the project schedule

new due date TBD