Notes about Forbes Family Cafe@MIT in Stata Center and Wormhole to Stanford

1. Angie, Amy and Barbara got a message in July:

"Colleagues: One of the "features" of the the new Huang Center at Stanford was the installation of a "worm-hole" (real-time audio-video conferencing) to MIT in the Forbes Family Cafe.  After months of inactivity and equipment swaps, today I saw this working.  Four folks from Stanford in our Forbes Family Cafe conversing with 4 folks at MIT in your Forbes Family Cafe.
So....just wondering if the Stata Center is near your library and if you are interested in checking out the equipment on your end.  I think it would be a real "first" ever, if we could set up a real-time chat with our Engineering Library colleagues at MIT.   Are you game to try?

Helen (Josephine)

2. Mat also got a similar note from Stella Kaoru Ota (who'd also been cc'd in that message), asking him to join the group when they did this meet-up.

Neither has happened yet.

Possible librarians to contact:

Engineering librarians:

Digital Initiatives Group:

(Also in same group; unclear if their roles make sense for us:

Academic Computing:

There are a number of academic technology specialists in this group, so many that I'd suggest we connect with the director to find out who is the logical contact: