Jim is a senior taking 6.033. If time permits, he usually does the assigned reading ahead of time. On Monday night February 6, he is sitting in his room reading the “Worse is Better” paper (http://dreamsongs.com/RiseOfWorseIsBetter.html) linked on the course website to prepare for tomorrow’s recitation.
He comes across a sentence ‘Unix and C are the ultimate computer viruses’, and he thinks it is a cool saying. He is intrigued to highlight that sentence and put comments along with it. He knows that WebAnnotator allows him to make notes directly on webpages, so he goes to WebAnnototar.com and loads the ‘Worse Is Better’ webpage. He scrolls to that interesting sentence he found and highlights it. Then he attaches some comments to the highlighted sentence. Later on as he reads he also highlighted some other important points in the webpage.
In order to be able to refer to his notes later, he saved the annotated webpage online in WebAnnotator. To refresh his memory the night before recitation, he returns to his annotated webpage in WebAnnotator.com to review the high-level ideas covered in the paper.
Unlike Jim, Sam is having a hectic schedule. He does not have time to read the assigned reading before recitation. An hour before recitation time, he makes an emergency call to his friend Jim for help. Jim tells Sam that he has taken some notes that could be helpful. So Jim goes to WebAnnotator.com, pulls out his annotated webpage and shares it with Sam.
Sam finds most of Jim’s comments helpful, except towards the end of the page, he does not quite understand what the words ‘Common Lisp’ are referring to. So he searched online and find a good article explaining what Lisp is on Wikipedia. He then adds a hyperlink to the words that links to the Wikipedia page, while keeping Jim’s annotations.