The Class Coordinator has sole responsibility of planning and scheduling classes, including as many as possible with outside teachers.
Responsibilities (as of Fall 2014)
- Plan at least one class in October, one in November, and one in December.
- Announce all classes at least 7 days in advance.
Recent Classes
Spring 2014
- How to Be Funny with Nicole Dalton
- Voice & Speech with Prof. Olivia D'Ambrosio - she's awesome AND interested in doing another workshop! We'd love to have her again.

- How to Design Workshop: Panel with designers from each department answer questions, then split off into groups and create mock designs for an imaginary director's concept
- How to Audition Workshop - has been taught by Arielle Lipshaw (Sp2014) and Mark Velednitsky (Fa2012); ask previous directors or older members
- Swords Combat Workshop
- Logistics Workshop with the Officers - how to organize events at MIT and other running Ensemble advice
Fall 2013
- How to Use Power Tools
- Hand Combat Workshop
- Scansion Workshop
- Story Structure Class
- Movement Class
Other Possible Classes
- Theater Games
- More Stage Combat
- How to Be a Man (Sabrina Neuman)
- The Physicality of Acting
- Tech classes including Vectorworks
- All About Lights
- How to Use the Sewing Machine
- Ensemble Website Class
- How to be useful before and at put-in
- Using MIT Resources (CAC, ASA, Reservations, Registration, Publicity, Finboard)
- Memorizing Lines
- Shakespearean Acting
Directors Contact
We have found that classes are better attended when they are taught by outside teachers. For some sample contacts, see ensemble-directors@mit.edu.
- PLAN AHEAD. Come up with ideas for classes at the beginning of the semester and start emailing out for interest. Plan to have 1-2 classes every month.
- For fall shows with 7 weeks of rehearsal, it is possible to do 4 days of classes before formal rehearsals start. Coordinate with the director to see if they'd prefer to have that extra week of rehearsals or not.
- It is possible to do a class or two during show season, but don't overload. Try doing it during a long weekend or a day without rehearsals. See if you can relate it to the current show.
- Be wary of people's schedules. Don't try to make a class during Hell weeks or when people are very stressed about the show, or no one will show up, and you'll be sad.
- Get classes on the Ensemble calendar as soon as you have them scheduled. Email out to ensemble@ and ensemble-dartes@ about classes at least a week in advance, then email a reminder closer to the date.
- Have fun with it! Coordinate classes that you find interesting and would want to do - then go do them!