GR4- Computer Prototype


Android phone running Android OS 4


1. Install Astro File Manager from the Android Marketplace

2. Download LunchBunch.apk from

3. On your Android phone, go to System Settings > Security > Check Unknown Sources (under Device Administration) to allow installation of non-Market apps

4. Use your USB connector (from your Android charger) to connect your laptop with your phone.

5. Save LunchBunch.apk onto your Android phone. We recommend the root directory (G:/).

6. Open up Astro File Manager on your phone and navigate to the location in which you saved LunchBunch.apk

7. Click LunchBunch.apk and install the app

8. The LunchBunch app should now appear with all your other apps on your phone!

Depth of Prototype:

Most features of the app are functional.  Upon starting the app, the user will see some fabricated “Lunch Invites” and “Lunches I'm Attending” to simulate previous use.  The user will be able to freely accept or decline invites, decline lunches from their “Lunches I'm Attending” list, as well as create new lunches and invite a fabricated pre-set list of “friends”.  

The “set reminder” and “request confirmation” fields are not supported by a back-end in this prototype (i.e. the user will not notice any difference between lunches that use different settings in these fields). Because we haven't implemented any backend yet, a push notification does not appear to take users to the page where they can confirm their attendance for an approaching event (this requires server/internet connections). Instead, you can reach this same page by clicking on any of the events in the "Lunches I'm Attending" list.

Also, the backend for the filtering search bar is not implemented to search through the canned list of friends (right now you just have to scroll through the list), but this is a common feature almost every Android phone user knows how to use. 

Since there is no server maintaining accounts, the UI says that all invites are from "Mike Puncel" but this field will actually be filled in with the true creator of the event. 

Download link: