These instructions were lasted tested on Windows 7 on December 26th, 2012. Undoubtedly, they will become outdated, so use them with caution after the course ends.

Determine if you have 32 bit or 64 bit Windows

Follow the instructions here.

Get Java

Install the Java Development Toolkit 7 (JDK) by downloading and running the .exe here. If you already have Java 6 installed, it is sufficient. If you have 32 bit windows, be sure to get Windows x86 and if you have 64 bit windows, get Windows x64.

Get Eclipse

Download Eclipse Classic 4.2.1 here. Be sure to select 32 bit if you have 32 bit Windows and 64 bit if you have 64 bit Windows. Eclipse does not install like a regular program. All you need to do is unzip the folder you download wherever you want Eclipse to be installed. For example, since my Windows user name is Ross, I put the folder in


Once you have the eclipse folder where you want it, try running eclipse by double clicking eclipse.exe. Continuing the example above, the full path would be


Be sure not to click eclipsec.exe by mistake! When the program opens, it will ask you to select a workspace. This is the location on your computer where the source code for all of your java projects will be stored. The default on my computer was


but you can change this to be stored anywhere.

Get Cplex

For 32 bit Windows, also select

IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio V12.5 for Windows x86-32 Multilingual (CIC4IML)

For 64 bit Windows, instead select

IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio V12.5 for Windows x86-64 Multilingual (CIC4JML)

Scroll to the bottom and accept the licence agreement, then hit download. A java applet will pop up to manage the download. If you get an error in the applet saying your java is out of date and a second pop up, hit OK until the second pop up goes away then it Run anyway on the applet. Again, if you can't get the applet to work, just select Http Transfer instead of Download Director as the Download Method. The download could take as long as half an hour.

When the download has finished, run the .exe you downloaded. The Download Director will indicate the directory where the final was downloaded. On my machine, the default location was


Note the directory of installation. The default on my machine was:

C:\Program Files\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio125

The sample code was stored at

C:\Users\Ross\My Documents\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio125

Be sure to select the checkbox for Update path. When the download finishes, you do not need to open Cplex studio or the readme.