h1. TSPLIB performance

Run your new code (through main, with both the lazy and userCut options) on the same TSPLIB problems as before and compare the performance.  My running times were 

{chart:type=bar|title=Run time for TSPLIB instances solved with lazy constraints|yLabel=Run Time (sec)|width=600|height=400} 
||Problem Name||eil51|bier127|ch130|ch150|d198| 
|Without User Cuts|0.11|0.77|1.98|5.09|17.57| 
|With User Cuts|5|6|7|8|20| 

We see that the running time increased on every example!  What is going on here?  Lets add a few timely print statements to our {{UserCutCallback}} to try and better understand how the performance is worse.

System.out.println("hello word!");
Lets run the code again on d198 and take a closer look at the output.