Francesco Stellacci received the doctorate in Materials Science and Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 1998. After post-­doctoral research at the University of Arizona, he joined the MIT faculty in September 2002. His study of materials nano­technology, particularly the nanoscale assembly of molecules on metal particles and the interactions of these composite particles with organic and inorganic surfaces, is leading to entirely new concepts in structure-property relationships at the nanoscale. His main research interests are to create functional nanoparticles and to find simple processes for fabrication of patterned substrates for sensing. His work has shown potential in such varied areas as drug delivery systems (working with Prof. Irvine) and as a nanowire membrane with high and selective liquid absorptivity, a “sponge,” that shows potential for cleaning up oil spills.

He also played a major role in developing the current undergraduate curriculum, primarily the laboratory components, which are integrated with the lectures in order that each module illuminates those on either side. Prof. Stellacci is an enthusiastic contributor to department activities, currently serving on several committees incuding the Laboratory for Advanced Materials planning committee. At the Institute level, he helped establish the Fermi Fellows Program, which brings Italian Ph.D. students to MIT for a year of study with a faculty member of their choice. He serves on the MIT-Italy Scientific Committee and was instrumental in organizing the R. Rocca Politecnico-MIT Exchange Program wherein the R. Rocca Foundation donated $2M to establish a series of scientific exchanges between MIT and the Politecnico di Milano, including two postdoctoral fellowships awarded annually for ten years. 

Professor Stellacci has been the recipient of numerous distinguished awards based on his excellent research including the Packard Fellowship, the NSF Career Award, NASA Nanotech Briefs Nano 50 Award, Technology Review’s Top 35 Innovators Under 35, the 3M Innovation Award, and the Dupont Young Professor Award.