Design 3

This last design offers a new interface of allowing users to directly claim or request 
toys from the very front page, adding to the efficiency of a service for users not looking 
for particular items, but rather browsing.

Each user has a trading portal, where they can see open requests for their toys or requests they made.
Clicking on any of the underlined user names the trade associated with that person opens, shown below.
There is also a way of viewing your past trades.



This trade summary page details the toys that a user is getting requests to trade for. Each of the toys the other party offered are detailed in the offering section. Easy methods of directly accepting the trade are provided, or messaging the other party for more information. In the case the user does not want to proceed at all with the person, they can simply delete the request.

The find toys page, similar to the exchange page (not shown for this reason), offers a new layout fromt he previous version. Category searching is offered on the right, allowing users to peruse multiple categories at once, an efficiency option that many retail stores do not provide. Moreover in each of these shown filtered categories, the user can further filter by searching through them with various other filters. An option to talk with others looking at the same categories are provided to facilitate movement of toys.

This listing toys employs a wizard like structure guiding users how to properly list their toys with all the fields included to optimize efficiency in this design.