- Marshall and Lily are finally going back to work for the first time after having Marvin three months ago. They are both reluctant to leave their beloved Marvin, but they know that it must be done. Their friends Ted and Robin have agreed to help take care of Marvin while his parents are at work with Robin looking after him in the mornings and Ted in the afternoon. Marshall and Lily have gone through much trouble the past three months to ensure that Marvin has kept a strict daily schedule and want to keep that routine going. To that end, they have created a very detailed and thorough daily schedule that is anything but straightforward. They wanted to go through the schedule with Ted and Robin beforehand but the two of them went out for a sandwich and weren’t able to meet.
Lily and Marshall wake up at 5:30 AM to get ready for work and get Marvin ready for the day. They start by checking his diaper and find that he needs to be changed. After he is in a new diaper, they write down the “quality” of his dirty diaper for future reference and check that they have enough diapers left in the box to last through the day. Robin arrives at their apartment and, after saying their goodbyes, Marshall and Lily leave to work. Robin has just finished working her early morning shift of work and is quite tired. Additionally, she is not very comfortable around babies and does not know very much about them either. An hour into the morning, Marvin starts crying and Robin realizes that she needs to change Marvin. However, she has never changed a baby before and doesn’t know where to begin. As Marvin wails, she goes on Google to find a video about changing a diaper. After watching a few videos, she makes her best effort at the task. She manages to finish the job but goes through nearly all of the diapers in the box in the process and leaves only one. She looks at the schedule and realizes that she has missed his late morning feeding and hurries to get that done as well. Looking at the schedule, she sees that she needs to burp Marvin as well, something that she wouldn’t have thought of doing.
After the feeding, Ted comes in to take over for the afternoon. In her rush to leave, she fails to tell Ted that she fed Marvin late and that they are running low on diapers. A couple of hours later, Marvin needs to be changed again. Ted, always the overachiever, has made sure to familiarize himself with how to change a baby and uses the last diaper in the box. He makes sure to text Marshall and Lily that they are out of diapers at the apartment. Referencing the schedule, Ted tries to feed Marvin but finds that he is not hungry which he finds quite odd since he did not get the info about Marvin being fed late. Lily gets back to their apartment at 4:30 with a box of diapers. As Ted leaves, he tells Lily that Marvin should be getting hungry sometime soon as he didn’t eat earlier.
Marshall returns at 6:30 PM in time for dinner also with a box of diapers. When he comes back, Lily has just finished feeding Marvin and hasn’t had time to start dinner. They see that Ted has written down some notes on the consistency of Marvin’s previous changing, but don’t see anything from Robin. Lily calls her and asks but she doesn’t really remember much other than "brown and smelly". While Lily is on the phone with Robin, Marshall looks at the schedule and tries to feed Marvin. He didn't get the message from Lily about the shift in Marvin’s eating schedule. After trying to feed Marvin and giving up, Marshall asks Lily if she knows what’s wrong with the baby and she explains what happened. At this point, Marshall and Lily don’t know Marvin’s new eating schedule and are not even sure if he has been getting the proper amount of sleep. With the genes of a Minnesota family, Marvin is a quickly-growing baby and will not be able to use all of the new diapers Lily and Marshall just bought. After spending the night waking up at irregular hours, Marshall and Lily decide that one of them will have to stay home and quit their job because they can’t trust their friends to take care of Marvin without disrupting his regular schedule.
Individual Designs
- Jon:
- Ultra-Efficient: This sketch is intended to be very efficient because it's main goals are to track feeding, nap, and diaper change times. At a glance, you can see an event that has occurred in the past and add a new even simply by clicking on one of the three buttons. It also has a digital clock in plain view at the top of the page and a marker for the current time on the schedule. There is a fourth button for adding different events, but the main use case of tracking the aforementioned events is fast and easy to accomplish.

- Tiny Screen: This sketch is intended for a tiny screen. In the process, I used it to match the screen dimensions of an iPhone to get somewhat realistic proportions. Since the screen is small, we have the top third of the screen for navigation and the lower two thirds for further content under each screen. There are three different pages depicted from left to right: a bowel movement tracker, an event schedule, and a supply tracker.

- None in particular: In some ways, this is the most fleshed out of my 3 design sketches. Starting from the top, we see that we have a sign-in to the page itself. This is to allow for the checking/updating of the webpage through any web browser and retain consistency. Additionally, it is setup such that parents can register multiple babies with the same account. Thus, parents with two children can use the interface. With this functionality, the coloring of the entire interface itself would revole around a particular color to help avoid capture slips. The main nav bar only has three buttons, schedule, supplies, and search. The search bar button pushes the buttons to the side to allow for text field searches with a specific category set by the drop-down menu. The supplies button would be "shared" amongst several babies of a single parent, since parents will globally track supplies not necessarily division them among several children. The schedule button takes the user to the web page shown on screen. It has an analog clock with different events that have/will occur on the outer rim. The clock itself would also change the clock image based on night or day time. The buttons on top add more events to the clock with further details about the event to be added by some options on the right of the clock (not shown). It is designed in the matter because normally we will care about whether an event happens or not and not the specific details of that one event.

- Jackie:
- Non-computer interface: This design takes a pen and paper approach, it's essentially a notebook of logs designated for record keeping of baby-care-taking tasks. It lays out a primitive method to accomplish the stated tasks and demonstrates the most basic requirements to reach the goals.

- Basic visuals: This design aims to use visual simplicity to organize the interface's features. The main page displays access to the four main areas the application helps the user track: Baby feeding, diaper changes, sleeping, and supply inventory. Clicking into one leads the user to a screen that has a pane to add a new log entry and a view of the existing log. The log entry pane uses visuals and buttons for data entry.Displayed are the baby feeding tracking view (lower left) and the sleeping tracking view (lower right).

- Tiny Screen/Mobile Device: The design organizes the interface into a series of tabs: day schedule, materials inventory list, logs, and settings. The day schedule is the main feature of this design. It's essentially organized very similar to the day view in the iOS Calendar app, with additional features, displays of logged and upcoming tasks. Icons are used to display the information.

- Sam:
- Illiterate User: This sketch takes the extreme by making the UI completely picture based. The user has to select which task has been performed and the check will be highlighted when the button is clicked to confirm selection. The click also goes along with a time stamp to be stored for later retrieval.

- Non Computer UI: This sketch takes the extreme by using a fort-night calendar with space to write down tasks and strike them out once completed.

- Tiny Screen: This sketch takes the extreme by taking advantage of the tiny screen and focusing on two main things; the schedule and the task manager. The user can see what needs to be done and keep track of what has been done by selecting tasks from the dropdown menu.

Designs, Storyboards, and Analysis
- Storyboard Design 01 - It's mid-morning and Robin can see that Marvin is getting quite sleepy. She sets him down in his crib and is thankful when he falls asleep right away. Robin immediately logs on to dBabies to log that baby Marvin has fallen asleep. She clicks on the "sleep" button on the side panel. Since he has just fallen asleep, all the settings have been set to the current time, so all she has to do is press submit. She sees on the schedule of events that she was supposed to try and feed him at 8:00 AM, which she failed to do. Now she knows when Marvin wakes up, he is likely to be hungry.

- Storyboard Design 02 -

*Storyboard Design 03 -

Analysis: With a very interactive UI and using the drag and drop affordance, we believe this design to be very learnable. Additionally, we included the metaphor that you feed the baby by putting a bottle to its mouth. When thinking about efficiency, instead of having to select from menus or type anything in, all the parent needs to do is drag an item and drag it to the specific location on the baby and the code will translate that event to an event in the log.