

Final Design


This is an overview of the homepage of the patient app. It shows the user (patient) the pills events he is yet to take today, with the ones in red indicating that he has passed the time to take the drug, and the ones in yellow indicating that the drug is yet to be taken in the future. The navagitation bar on the top can lead you to other sections of the patient app, such as "Manage Pill" (editing pills), "See History" (see the list of medicines the patient has already taken or missed), and "contact doctor" (allows the user to communicate directly with the doctor. By default, the homepage only shows the drugs the user needs to take today. If the user wants to see more, he/she can click on "See next day's pill" to see future medicines. User can repeatedly click on this button to see more into the future.

Design Decision:
 From the beginning we know that we want both functionalities of taking drugs and editing drugs, but we were not sure what's the most intuitive way to separate them. After several iterations we decided that the best way is to separate them entirely and having a "Manage pill" section for all the add, delete and edit. It still causes some confusion for the users, but in general patient can tell the difference between taking a drug and editing a drug. Also in order to enable multi-select, we used the checkbox for the user to select which drug/s to take or miss. It is not shown here, but when user click on the checkbox, a pop up box where show up giving user the option to take the drug or miss the drug.

This is the "manage pills" main page. From here the user can delete a medicine, add a medicine or click on a medicine to edit it.  This part is mostly unchanged from the start.

This is the "See History" Page. It shows the drugs the user has taken or missed. It looks like the main page, but with not checkbox and colors.

Design Decision:
Initially we have red and green color on the history page showing the user whether he/she has missed or taken the drug, but we realized that the history page looked too similar to the main page, which caused confusion for the user. We then changed everything on the history page to gray.

This is the page will user edit the information of the drug. It is the same page the user needs to fill in to edit the drug. 

Design decision:

We have three different type of drugs: those that are taken at certain hours a day; those that are taken every several hours, and those that are taken several times a day, with no restriction on specific time. We initially designed to have three separate pages, then we thought that having one page that switches among those three choices would be a better idea. The challenge is how to chose the wording for those three type of drugs that are clear and not redundant. After several user iterations, we decided on "set cycle", "set specific time", and "set number of times a day" and most user can understand it.

This is the contact doctor page where the user can select which doctor to contact (if he/she has multiple)

This is a the message page where the patient can message with the doctor. The patient can see all the chat history with the doctor.


Final Design


This is the page that will first show up after the doctor logged in. This page displays all the message history from patients and allows doctors to send messages back to patients. Doctor can read messages from different patients by switching the tabs on the left. Unread messages will be shaded in a darker gray than rest of the messages.

Design decision:
The design for this page has not changed much since our original design. Because our main purpose for this website is to allow doctors to receive immediate feedback from patients, we decided it’s most important to show the messages first after doctors log in. In our final implementation, we added in the new shading for unread messages and also the new message counter in the navigation bar to provide more feedback to the users.

This is the doctor's page that lists out all the connected patients. This page can be accessed through the navigation bar at top of the page. Users can add new patient on this page or click a patient’s name to access the patient’s personal pill history page.

Design decision:
In our original design, there is no page that showed a list of patients. Instead, the navigation bar presents an “Add patient” tab that leads directly to adding a new patient. The only way that doctors can access a patient’s personal pill history page is by searching the patient’s name in the search bar. In our user testing, many users found this to be very unintuitive and had trouble finding patients’ pages. Therefore, we decided to create this page to list out all the patients.

This is a patient’s pill history page that shows all the missed pill events in a dynamic calendar. Doctors can look at a particular pill or all the pills at once. A summary of the missed events is also listed on the right of the calendar in text format to provide more details. Doctors can also go to pages where they can edit patient info and manage patient pill through this page.

Design decision:
This page originally only shows information related to missed pills. In our user testing, some users suggested that they should also be allowed to go to patient editing and pill managing pills from this page for easier navigation. This page almost became the patient’s personal page where every functionality related to that patient can be accessed through this page.

This is the page where doctors can manage a patient’s pills. Doctors can add, edit or delete a pill on this page and all pill information is synchronized between the patient’s mobile app and the doctor’s website.

Design decision:
The design for this page has not changed since the original design. It’s important for the doctors to be able to access and manage the patients’ pill information. This also allows doctors to help patients who are not very familiar with technology to enter their pill information.

This is the page where doctors can edit and disconnect from a patient.

Design decision:
We wanted the doctor to be able to record a patient’s medication and health history somewhere. The only field that the doctor cannot change is the email which serves as the account name or ID for the mobile app.


Our interface frontend was implemented using HTML, Javascript, JQuery, and CSS. The patient app is especially unique in that most of it is dynamically generated which makes it very flexible in responding in real time to user actions (ie manage pills list, and drug events list). Only the top navigation bar is hard-coded. The doctor website also makes great use of twitter bootstrap so it looks a lot nicer and simple yet professional.

For the patient app, we worked really hard on the backend and I believe that our functionality is pretty solid. We used .json files to store patient, pill, drug events, and messages data. JQuery had a very easy read .json function and was really fast. Unfortunately, writing to .json files required some php work, and we quickly discovered that writing to .json is a lot slower than reading from .json. This especially was a problem when we wanted to write updated data to .json files and immediately read from .json to update visibly for the user. Because writing was a lot slower, reading would pull the old data before PHP had a chance to update the file.

We solved this problem by creating a JS object which would be synced with the data in the .json files on document.ready. Saving any data involves updating the JS object as well as the corresponding .json file. Thus, we can read from the JS object (since adding to the JS object is comparably fast), while our data still generally persists across multiple sessions (ie you can close the browser and re-login to our application) since it is written to the .json file as well.

The .json files also function as a shared database for both the patient and doctor app, so both patient and doctor can share messages as well as see the pills and missed drug events recorded by our synced 2-app system. The patient has a history list style for taken and missed drug events. The doctor will only see missed drug events but displayed on a calendar interface, since real doctors will have multiple patients and really only care about patients missing their drugs.




You are a patient taking several drugs at different times of the day but sometimes you forget about them.. You want to keep track and be reminded to take them correctly by using this mobile app.


You want to hear immediate feedback from your patients about their medications. The doctor version of Take Your Pills allow you to communicate with your patients and check if they have

Scenario Tasks


    You are Amy Fox.


    You are Dr. Williams

USER #1 (patient)
USER #2 (doctor)
USER #3 (doctor)
USER #4 (patient)


Our group spent a lot of time and effort designing the look of the user interface and really went into the details of the app. How should a user take a drug? How should the user design a drug? How many messages should the user be allowed to send to the doctor everyday? These are the questions we spend a long time discussing but I think it's worth the time to do it, because those are the key decisions to make for a good user interface.

The paper prototyping and user testing iterations really helped us to pinpoint the usability problems our interface has and helped us improve our paper prototype. It wasn't a easy task, but eventually we made a paper prototype that was intuitive to the user. We took the advantage of the light weightiness of the paper prototype and tried different versions until we're satisfied with our design.

Something the our group came up short is the actual implementation stage. When designing user interface on paper prototype, we didn't pay attention to how we can implement it on computer, and only thought about what was the best interface we can think of. This is the right thing to do, but some of the features that we thought about are not implemented on computer prototype and the final implementation, because of lack of skill and time. For example, the history page is supposed to be a scroll down which we don't know how to do. When implementing our actual app, mistakes and glitches always come up and things are not as perfect as they are on paper prototype. Choosing the color and changing the color can be challenging and lining up different sections of the app isn't an easy thing to do. We chose a very primitive backend (with pain json file) and that also took us a long time. 

Despite a lot of technical difficulty, we still implemented a working app in time and adjusted it according the the feedback from the users. We changed the history color to gray, had a much better calendar widget for selecting dates, and changed the wording in several places to make it more intuitive for the user. In general we did a pretty good job, and one lesson to be remember: paper prototype is one thing, actual implementation is another. If we started our implementation earlier (maybe even at the paper prototype stage), we can have a better sense of what can be done and what cannot be done, and our interface would be better.