RAFT PIII (RAFT 3) 06/20/2013 Release

RAFT Version 3 makes viewing financial data and forecasting easier. It includes a host of user interface improvements and a new look. We are currently in pilot and plan to enter MIT-wide usage in the beginning of July 2013. Below is a list of some of RAFT 3's changes and enhancements.



New user interface

Better color contrast, easier to use and understand

Persistent Left Navigation

Lets users navigate to exactly the cost object or forecast they want; provides a view of person worksets (My Raft and Shared) and system-generated worksets (PI and Department)


Shows user where they are. Let's them navigate back. Also shows the current workset context (all cost objects and forecasts are in a workset context)


Tells users what issues exist with their cost objects and the people paid on those cost objects


Tells users what is going on RAFT-wise: when is the next training, the next system outage or the next upgrade.

View and Forecast Buttons

Take users right to where they want to go: To View for reconciliation; To Forecast for financial planning

New Forecast Screen

Lets users see Actuals and Commitments, edit Commitments, and add Forecast line items to every Cost Object they have view rights to.

Share Forecast

Lets users share a personal forecast with users of their choice

Publish Forecast

Lets users copy forecasts to system-generated worksets where all Roles Authorized users can see them

People by Month Forecast

Lets users forecast in a montly grid, versus an arbitrary date-based ledger line (People by Ledger)

Below is the list of current RAFT 3 pilot bugs. To add new ones, please go to Jira Bug List for RAFT3