This page documents some of the key applications available in the Hovergroup svn.  


iAcommsDriver provides our standard interface between MOOS and the WHOI uModem. It implements the GOBY uModem driver class and allows other MOOS applications to make use of the modem through several MOOS variables.

Simple Interface

Great for simple applications or human use.


Transmitting is very easy - simply post a string to the variable ACOMMS_TRANSMIT_DATA and the modem will immediately send that data if it is not currently receiving or transmitting data. The variable ACOMMS_DRIVER_STATUS indicates whether the modem is "ready", "transmitting", or "receiving". The transmission rate and destination can be set by posting the the variables ACOMMS_TRANSMIT_RATE and ACOMMS_TRANSMIT_DEST. If sending non-ASCII data, post a binary string to ACOMMS_TRANSMIT_DATA_BINARY instead.  

Request an ack by posting 1 to ACOMMS_REQUEST_ACK.  

Lockout transmits by posting "on" to ACOMMS_TRANSMIT_LOCKOUT.


To use simple receiving, the "enable_legacy" option must be enabled in the MOOS process config. Whenever a transmission is received, information about the reception is posted to several variables:

Unified Interface

Sometimes the simple interface is cumbersome because applications have to subscribe to many variable to get enough information about incoming acomms transmissions. With the unified interface, only one variable is required to send or receive data.


Note that the simple transmitting method is supported regardless of the "enable_legacy" setting. Alternatively, use the AcommsTransmission class defined in the HoverAcomms library. Post the serialized object to ACOMMS_TRANSMIT and the acomms driver will set the rate, destination, data, etc. all from the information stored in that object.


With each receipt an object of the AcommsReception class defined in the HoverAcomms libary is posted to the binary string ACOMMS_RECEIVED. This posting is still available if "enable_legacy" is turned on.


Several postings are made specifically for logging purposes, but applications may use them as well. These postings are always enabled. The serial communications between the host and modem are also recorded in a goby_log.txt file in the same directory pLogger uses.



Additional Options and Special Rates

Mini Packets - Rate 100

Just a 13-bit packet. If only one byte is provided, it will be packed with a leading 0x00. If two or more bytes are provided, only the first two bytes will be taken and a bitwise and with 0x1f will be performed on the first byte. Examples:

0x6161 --> 0x0161
0x0061 --> 0x0061
0x6100 --> 0x0100
0x61 --> 0x0061

FSK or PSK encoding can be set using the "PSK_minipackets" process config. Default is FSK.

REMUS LBL - Rate 101

A ping that contains no data. Each LBL transponder in the water will yield a range response. As many as four responses are published in comma delimited form to REMUS_LBL_TIMES.

Two Way Ranging - Rate 102

In development.

One Way Ranging

Enabled using the "enable_ranging" process config, this option syncs all transmissions to a PPS pulse provided by PPS. Both sending and receiving modems must have this option enabled to work. If the legacy option is enabled the travel time will be posted to ACOMMS_ONE_WAY_TRAVEL_TIME, otherwise the travel time will be contained in the AcommsReception object.

Other Variables



Quirks and Works in Progress


Similar to the normal uPokeDB, but pokes binary strings instead of normal strings using a hex representation.




The interface between MOOS and the low level kayak control running on the Arduino. To switch radios, poke the variable RADIO_WAIT_TIME once to begin the switch, then poke again with the same value within RADIO_WAIT_TIME seconds to confirm the switch.





A simple application for collecting acomms data. Can be configured to transmit on a regular schedule using a period and offset, and measured using the system clock. Can be used across several vehicles as long as their clocks are in sync. Posts a long string of random alphanumeric characters that should completely fill any rate transmission.


