We will have Sprints of 3-week duration.

We will have separate Release planning.

We will try to stop having Release deadlines.

On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 11a.m  time we have a 10 minute standup looking at the Jira Agile board. During the standup each dev will say what they finished, what they plan to work on, and what blockers they have. Any blockers needing discussion will be put on the Parking Lot.

Following each stand up, if needed, will be a Parking Lot meeting attended only by those needed.

On the last day of the Sprint, we will demo our completed work.

On the last day of the Sprint we will hold a sprint retrospective that is no more than 45 minutes in length.

On the last day of the Sprint we will hold our Sprint Planning meeting for the next Sprint.

Around the middle of the Sprint, we will hold a Sprint Backlog gardening/pruning session of no more than 90 minutes.

Sprint QA will occur the first or second day of the next sprint by external tester, which will require test scripts built as part of each Sprint.