It's been a while since we had a paper mailing. We may want to do one at some point.
In case we do, we can collect some info here on things to include. (And perhaps anything we know about making it happen.)
obituaries :-(
Things that can be sent interoffice mail should be, to save on postage. We have a number of stamps in the briefcase, use the non-forever stamps first. For large mailings (or even with just one piece of mail if you want), use one of the barcode cards and use a rubberband or paperclip to attach to the mail and MIT will charge our account for the postage – no stamps needed! Just be sure to put it into one of the MIT mailboxes labeled "Domestic Mail To Be Processed".
We can also get a special bulk rate if we have lots of identical
pieces and >150 of them have the same first 3 digits in their zip
code. We are unlikely to meet this criterion.