I stole this shamelessly from Olu Brown's documentation in the SAIS wiki. We need to clean this up and probably include Mac instructions and MyEclipse specifices for the MAP Handbook. 

Developer access to svn.mit.edu (MIT Subversion)

SVN Book in different formats 


1.  Install MIT SecureCRT 5.1 (https://wserv.mit.edu/fcgi-bin/softcount?product=mit/win/mit-securecrt-5.1-r2.msi).

2.  Configure your desktop to use the SecureCRT SSH binary.

3.  Obtain a Kerberos ticket using the MIT Leash program.

4.  Dowload and Install the Eclipse Subversive plugin (http://www.polarion.org/index.php?page=installation&project=subversive).

5.  Switch to the "SVN Repository Exploring" perspective and create a new repository location.

6.  Choose a project in the SVN repository and perform a checkout.


Windows GUI client

1.  Install a Windows subversion client on your desktop, such as TortoiseSVN (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/tortoisesvn/TortoiseSVN-

2.  Install MIT SecureCRT 5.1 (https://wserv.mit.edu/fcgi-bin/softcount?product=mit/win/mit-securecrt-5.1-r2.msi).

3.  Configure your desktop to use the SecureCRT SSH binary.

4.  Obtain a Kerberos ticket using the MIT Leash program.

5.  Open Windows explorer and right-click in the window to open the Tortoise SVN settings.

6.  In the settings window, click on the "Network" item in the left hand menu and then enter the SecureCRT SSH binary location into the "SSH" field.

7.  Open Windows explorer and right-click on the directory you want to check out a project in and select the menu option "SVN Checkout".

8.  Fill out the checkout information and click the OK button.

Tortoise Documentation     #top


Windows command line client

  1. Install subversion on your Windows machine (http://subversion.tigris.org/files/documents/15/39559/svn-1.4.5-setup.exe).
  2. Install MIT SecureCRT 5.1 (https://wserv.mit.edu/fcgi-bin/softcount?product=mit/win/mit-securecrt-5.1-r2.msi).
  3. Configure your desktop to use the SecureCRT SSH binary.
  4. Obtain a Kerberos ticket using the MIT Leash program.
  5. Open a Windows command prompt and issue a subversion command. For example:
    svn checkout svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/<repository name>/<project name>/trunk

Tortoise Documentation    http://tortoisesvn.net/support

Linux command line client

  1. Verify that subversion is in your PATH, by typing:
    which svn
    You should see the following:
  2. Obtain a kerberos ticket with the command:
  3. You may have to set a subversion editor
    export SVN_EDITOR=vi   (There is an underscore between SVN and EDITOR)
  4. Perform the subversion command they desire. For instance to checkout a project from the repository:
    svn checkout svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/<repository name>/<project name>/trunk
