
h2. Description

The Summer Show Coordinator is in charge of making sure a summer show happens. In particular, they are responsible for coordinating the process of choosing the summer show director and the play itself. Their duties end when they have found a producer.

h2. Responsibilities

The Summer Show Coordinator needs to solicit ideas for projects from the Ensemble. Their can be a director, an idea, or a director/idea combination. If there is more than one project that people want to do, there should be a brief discussion and vote on what the summer show will be. The Summer Show Coordinator does all of this and ensures that there is a project a couple of weeks before term ends so there is potentially enough time for auditions and casting before finals.

h2. Important Notes
# The producer, TD, and LD should all ensure that their plots get to Chris Nayler in CAC.
# Reservations during performance weeks must be ALL DAY if we want to keep set pieces in KLT.