Unknown macro: {div}
Unknown macro: {div}
Unknown macro: {div}
Individual User Permissions
Accessing the 'Edit Permissions' Page">Accessing the 'Edit Permissions' Page
1. Go to the !browse.jpg! drop down menu on the top navigation bar,
2. Click 'Space Admin' tab and hit the !permissions_link.jpg! link.
3. The 'Edit Permissions' page will appear.!user_permissions.jpg!
Assigning Individual Permissions">Assigning Individual Permissions
1. Navigate to the 'Edit Space Permissions' screen.
2. Find the 'Individual Permissions' section, beneath the 'Group Permissions' .
3. Click
- To give a permission, check the corresponding box .
- To remove a permission, uncheck the box .
4. Click !save_all.jpg!.
Searching for Users ">Searching for Users
1. Click !search.jpg!
2. In the 'User Search' window, enter the name of the group. You can use an asterisk '*' as a wildcard.
3. Check the box(es) of the desired user(s)
4. Click