We moved a "bug fix and minor changes" release into production Monday night, March 3, 2014.
Changes for this release include:

New Features:

We changed the way we handle Alerts. Now by defaults you can see three different alerts about People and four different alerts about Cost Objects. The alerts display the number of alerts by type, to give you a better understanding of how many alerts you have. Please take a look at the new alerts display on the RAFT Home page and send any feedback you have to raft-support@mit.edu.

Bug Fixes:

We made numerous fixes to the way data is fed into RAFT and the calculations RAFT makes on the data.

Minor changes:

We added icons to the header bar, changed the login page, and made numerous other minor additions to the user interface. Hopefully you will find RAFT a nicer place to work in now.

We changed the way we show the authorized total on Parent Cost Objects. Before, when you looked at a parent Cost Object, we were showing the authorized total of the parent and its children added together; now we show the parent and each child's authorized total separately.

We added the following fields of data to the Workset Cost Object view: Sponsor, Consolidated Institute Balance, Final Expiration Date, Authorized Total and Revenue.

We request that users please review the forecasting functionality as changes and adjustments have been made.

For upcoming changes please look in the Jira Bug List for RAFT3
Also, contact us via email at raft-support@mit.edu to request changes, or if there are reports you would like to see added.

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