1.  Add a User/Role to the Account

As an admin, you may be asked to add a user to the e-Builder account in two ways, either within e-Builder or external to e-Builder. Until a larger number of MIT employees become e-Builder users a number of these requests will come in via email or verbally rather than through the “New User Request & Assignment” process.


The following information, at a minimum, is required to create a user, whether that user is internal to MIT or an external user:

  • User First Name
  • User Last Name
  • User Phone Number
  • User Email Address
  • User Supervisor (if internal)
  • User Company (if external)
  • User Proposed Role
  • User Project Assignments


Using the above information, go to “Setup / Users/ Manage Users”:


  1. Create a user in the system by clicking on the “Add New User” button and fill in all required fields.
    1. Use the internal user’s MIT email address (i.e., including “@mit.edu”) for “Username”. (A convention has not yet been established for external users).
    2. Also fill in “Type of Business” and “Title” (based on role requested), and address if known.
    3. Check the “Notify user that he/she has been added” check box and click the “Save Button”.


  1. Click on the name of the newly added user and then click on the “Manage Membership” button in the upper right hand corner. 


  1. On “Projects” tab:
    1. Select projects from the “All Project” panel and click the right arrow to add user to the requested projects.
    2. Also click the “Notify user added/removed to/from project” box.


  1. On “Account Roles” tab:
    1. Select account role(s) from the “All Roles” panel and click the right arrow to add user to the requested account level role.
    2. Click the “Save” button. 


  1. On “Project Roles” tab:
    1. Do the following only if the person is acting in a role other than their account role.
    2. Select role from the “Roles” dropdown and project from the “All Projects” panel and click the right arrow to add user to the requested project level role.
    3. Click the “Save” button. 


  1. If member will fill a key role on a project, write a “Memo to File” copying senior project actors. If the user is in a role tracked on the Details page for a project, be sure to edit the project Details page with the assignment.   (See 3.8 for further instructions.)


  1. Add the new user as a member on the “User Experience Project”. 
    1. Go the “Project Menu” in the left column.  Then Details/ Project Participants/ Manage Participants.


  1. If you create a new user and forget to check the box to notify them (see 1.c. above), the new user can be notified via:
  • the “Email User” function from the Manage Users section of the Admin area or
  • from the Project Participants page in each project.

Both of these areas will have the following checkboxes:  “Notify user he/she has been added” and “Include Login Information.”

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