Community Guidelines

The Move Community Guidelines


The Move is open to everyone. Everyone's contributions, including comments, posts and projects, help further discussion and collaboration around democracy.

Honest broker

The Move is an open forum where all ideas about democracy are welcome. The Move community aspires to be an honest broker on this complex and fascinating subject.

Scientific evidence and rational argument

At the same time, we ask that the community adheres to the principles of the scientific method. Positions which marshall facts, evidence, and rational argument will receive the attention of the community. Those which do not will be dismissed.

Respect and courtesy

The community expects its members to engage with each other respectfully and courteously. The community will seek to frame controversial issues in a way that is respectful to all sides in the debate and does not favor a particular perspective.

We are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful community where members can share their thoughts, opinions and ideas openly.  When using The Move, you agree to use respectful language, be courteous to fellow members and respect the opinions of others.

When having animated discussions, remember to always be civil. It it is important to be aware of your own biases and to keep them in check during discussions. If you say something that you regret, be prepared to apologize.

This community aligns its general approach to engagement with the behavioral guidelines that have been developed by the Wikipedia community. Another useful articulation of these guidelines appears in Wikipedia's Etiquette page.

Value Statement

At The Move, we are committed to providing a safe and open community for members to:

  • Learn about democracy.

  • Connect with one another about important issues and ideas related to democracy.

  • Share and collaborate on ideas related to democracy.

We are also committed to doing this while:

  • welcoming unusual points of view and opinions with which we disagree,

  • respecting factual evidence and rational argument, and

  • treating each other with courtesy and respect.

Upholding Community Guidelines

Community members are encouraged to respectfully and courteously hold other members accountable for following the Community Guidelines, and notify The Move team of any violations.

The Move staff reserves the right to restrict or remove the member privileges of users who violate these guidelines.



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